Microsoft introduces EvoDiff, an AI framework for protein generation


  • Microsoft introduces EvoDiff, an open-source AI framework for protein engineering.
  • EvoDiff streamlines protein design, eliminating the need for complex structural information.
  • The framework’s 640-million parameter model offers versatility and scalability.
  • EvoDiff can create new proteins and fill gaps in existing designs.
  • It operates in the “sequence space,” allowing the synthesis of disordered proteins.
  • Research is ongoing, with plans for laboratory testing and further scalability.

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In the realm of scientific innovation, Microsoft is making waves with the release of EvoDiff, a groundbreaking artificial intelligence framework. EvoDiff is set to transform the way we approach protein engineering, promising to usher in a new era of drug development and biotechnology. Proteins, the fundamental building blocks of life and the drivers of critical cellular processes, have long been the focus of medical research. Understanding and creating proteins are central to deciphering the mechanisms of diseases and devising novel therapeutic strategies. However, the conventional process of designing proteins has been marred by high costs and resource-intensive endeavors. Microsoft aims to change that narrative.

Traditional protein design involves two intricate steps: first, conceptualizing a protein structure capable of fulfilling a specific biological function, and second, identifying the amino acid sequence that will successfully fold into this structure. This demanding process necessitates substantial computational resources and human expertise, making it an arduous undertaking. But, as Microsoft demonstrates, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Enter EvoDiff, a versatile framework that claims to generate high-fidelity, diverse proteins from a given protein sequence. Unlike its predecessors, EvoDiff eliminates the need for structural information about the target protein, simplifying what has historically been the most labor-intensive phase of protein engineering. This game-changing advancement, available as open-source software, opens doors to the creation of enzymes for cutting-edge therapeutics, innovative drug delivery methods, and novel catalysts for industrial chemical reactions.

Kevin Yang, a senior researcher at Microsoft and one of the minds behind EvoDiff, envisions a future where protein engineering transcends the limitations of structure-function paradigms. In a recent interview with TechCrunch, Yang declared, “With EvoDiff, we’re demonstrating that we may not actually need structure, but rather that ‘protein sequence is all you need’ to controllably design new proteins.” The core of EvoDiff lies in a colossal 640-million parameter model, meticulously trained on data encompassing diverse species and functional classes of proteins. This model, brimming with potential, has the power to redefine the boundaries of protein engineering.

EvoDiff operates as a diffusion model, akin to modern image-generating models like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2. It refines noisy starting proteins, comprised almost entirely of noise, gradually molding them into precise protein sequences through a step-by-step process. The application of diffusion models is rapidly expanding beyond image generation, encompassing realms such as music composition and speech synthesis. Microsoft’s EvoDiff embodies the generality, scalability, and modularity of this approach.

Ava Amini, another leading contributor to EvoDiff, emphasizes the framework’s versatility. EvoDiff is not confined to creating entirely new proteins; it can also bridge gaps in existing protein designs. For instance, if provided with a segment of a protein that binds to another, EvoDiff can generate an amino acid sequence that fulfills specific criteria around that binding site. Moreover, EvoDiff operates within the “sequence space” of proteins rather than their structural space. This allows it to synthesize “disordered proteins,” which, despite not adopting a conventional three-dimensional structure, play pivotal roles in biology and disease regulation.

While EvoDiff’s potential is awe-inspiring, it is crucial to acknowledge that this research has yet to undergo peer review. Sarah Alamdari, a data scientist at Microsoft involved in the project, highlights the need for further scaling and refinement before commercial applications become feasible. She asserts that “a lot more scaling work” is required, possibly involving billions of parameters for improved generation quality. Additionally, fine-tuning EvoDiff by conditioning it on text, chemical information, or other specifications for desired functions is on the horizon.

As the EvoDiff team embarks on the next phase, which involves laboratory testing of the generated proteins for viability, the world eagerly anticipates the transformative potential of this innovative framework. Microsoft’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of protein engineering promises to revolutionize the field and drive advancements in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Stay tuned for updates on this remarkable journey as the next generation of EvoDiff takes shape.


Microsoft’s EvoDiff presents a paradigm shift in protein engineering. By simplifying the design process and enabling the creation of diverse proteins, it has the potential to revolutionize drug development, biotechnology, and industrial chemistry. Its scalability and versatility open new doors for innovation in these fields, making it a significant development to watch.
