Al Hathboor and Lenovo unveil DialogXR

  • Al Hathboor and Lenovo have launched DialogXR, an advanced AI product based on a Large Language Model (LLM).
  • DialogXR automates tasks, enhances customer service, and provides tailored information and training.
  • It is deployed locally and trained on organization-specific data for precise responses.
  • The collaboration led to a state-of-the-art HPC cluster at Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park.
  • Businesses can leverage DialogXR without upfront investments in HPC infrastructure, democratizing AI adoption.
  • Features include seamless IT integration, 24/7 support, automation of customer service tasks, and voice-enabled interactions.
  • Built on Lenovo’s high-performance computing technology, DialogXR ensures efficient operation and scalability.

Main AI News:

Al Hathboor (AHB), a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence solutions, together with Lenovo, a global technology leader, have introduced DialogXR, a groundbreaking AI innovation rooted in a Large Language Model (LLM). Designed to empower organizations across the UAE and beyond, DialogXR harnesses the capabilities of LLMs to automate tasks, elevate customer service interactions, and deliver real-time information and training for employees. What sets DialogXR apart is its local deployment and organization-specific training, ensuring precise and relevant responses tailored to each client’s unique needs.

The collaboration between AHB and Lenovo dates back to May 2023 and marks a significant milestone in AI development. Leveraging AHB’s AI expertise and Lenovo’s world-class high-performance computing (HPC) technology, this partnership has led to the establishment of a cutting-edge HPC cluster at the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP). This bespoke infrastructure serves as the backbone for DialogXR, facilitating efficient LLM training and deployment.

Beyond technological advancement, the AHB-Lenovo HPC cluster represents a pivotal move in democratizing AI across UAE businesses. By utilizing shared infrastructure, organizations gain access to powerful AI capabilities without the substantial upfront costs associated with building individual HPC environments. This democratization empowers enterprises of all sizes to adopt AI, thereby optimizing operations, enhancing customer service quality, and fostering innovation.

Raj Sandhu, spokesperson from Al Hathboor, remarked, “DialogXR is a transformative leap in AI-driven business solutions. As the first LLM initiative in the region, we address data sovereignty concerns while empowering organizations to harness AI’s full potential, maintaining complete control over their data and privacy. Since our partnership began with Lenovo to establish the HPC cluster at SRTIP, we have strived to deliver solutions that directly address regional organizational challenges.”

DialogXR offers businesses an array of benefits: seamless integration into existing IT frameworks for maximum ROI, uninterrupted 24/7 support availability, automation of routine customer service tasks to augment human resources, on-demand access to information and training resources for a more proficient workforce, voice-enabled interactions for intuitive user experiences, local deployment options ensuring data security and compliance, multilingual support for diverse global workforces, and scalability for future expansion.

Built on the robust Lenovo ThinkSystem SD650 V2 Node, optimized for high-performance computing tasks, DialogXR incorporates Lenovo GPFS storage to enhance performance, throughput, and IOPS, ensuring efficient and seamless operation.

Alaa Bawab, General Manager, Lenovo Infrastructure Group, META, affirmed, “Our partnership with AHB is rooted in our shared commitment to democratize access to advanced technologies like AI and HPC, addressing critical human and organizational challenges across various sectors in the Middle East. The launch of DialogXR underscores our joint efforts to make AI accessible to regional organizations without prohibitive initial investments. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with AHB and local partners to introduce further solutions that drive business success across the region.”


The launch of DialogXR by Al Hathboor and Lenovo signifies a significant advancement in making AI accessible to businesses across the UAE. By combining localized deployment with organization-specific training, DialogXR addresses critical operational challenges while maintaining data sovereignty. The establishment of a robust HPC infrastructure underscores a strategic move towards democratizing AI, allowing organizations of all sizes to harness its transformative potential without the traditional barriers of high upfront costs. This initiative not only enhances operational efficiency and customer service but also paves the way for continuous innovation in the region’s technology landscape.
