A Comparative Analysis of LoRA and Full Finetuning Techniques in Large Language Models: Insights from Columbia University and Databricks Mosaic AI

  • Columbia University and Databricks Mosaic AI researchers conduct comparative study on LoRA and full finetuning techniques in large language models.
  • LoRA, aiming for parameter efficiency, underperforms compared to full finetuning in programming and mathematics tasks.
  • Full finetuning induces higher weight perturbations than LoRA, potentially explaining performance disparities.
  • Despite LoRA’s underperformance, it offers valuable regularization benefits for maintaining base model proficiency.
  • Detailed analysis suggests LoRA generates more diverse output solutions compared to full finetuning.

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In the realm of machine learning, where models boast billions of parameters, optimizing performance without draining computational resources is paramount. Researchers have long sought methods to fine-tune these models efficiently, particularly in domains like natural language processing and artificial intelligence, where resource optimization directly influences overall efficacy.

One of the primary challenges in fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) is the substantial GPU memory demand, rendering the process costly and resource-intensive. The crux lies in devising efficient fine-tuning methodologies without compromising model performance. This efficiency becomes increasingly crucial as models evolve to tackle new tasks while retaining previously acquired capabilities. Effective fine-tuning ensures the seamless integration of large models across diverse applications, sans exorbitant costs.

Diving into this challenge, researchers from Columbia University and Databricks Mosaic AI have explored a spectrum of methodologies, contrasting full finetuning with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) techniques. While full finetuning involves adjusting all model parameters—a computationally intensive endeavor—LoRA strives to conserve memory by modifying only a fraction of parameters, thereby alleviating the computational burden. Despite its prevalence, the efficacy of LoRA vis-à-vis full finetuning remains contentious, particularly in intricate domains like programming and mathematics, where precision is paramount.

The study meticulously scrutinized LoRA and full finetuning performances across two pivotal domains: Programming and Mathematics. Evaluating instruction finetuning with around 100,000 prompt-response pairs and continued pretraining encompassing roughly 10 billion unstructured tokens, the comparison sought to gauge how adeptly LoRA and full finetuning adapted to these specialized domains, considering differing data regimes and task complexities. This comprehensive analysis offered profound insights into the merits and demerits of each method across diverse conditions.

Findings revealed that, generally, LoRA lagged behind full finetuning in both programming and mathematics tasks. For instance, in programming, full finetuning attained a peak HumanEval score of 0.263 at 20 billion tokens, whereas the optimal LoRA configuration achieved a modest 0.175 at 16 billion tokens. Similarly, in mathematics, full finetuning boasted a peak GSM8K score of 0.642 at 4 epochs, outshining LoRA’s best configuration, which scored 0.622 at the same juncture. Despite this performance gap, LoRA offered a valuable form of regularization, bolstering the base model’s performance on tasks beyond the target domain. This regularization effect surpassed conventional techniques like weight decay and dropout, rendering LoRA indispensable for preserving base model proficiency—a critical attribute.

A granular analysis uncovered that full finetuning induced weight perturbations ranging 10 to 100 times higher than those typically observed in LoRA configurations. Notably, full finetuning necessitated ranks as high as 256, while LoRA configurations predominantly operated with ranks of 16 or 256. This substantial variance in rank likely elucidates some of the performance differentials observed. Moreover, the research posited that LoRA’s lower rank perturbations facilitated a more diverse range of output generations compared to full finetuning, often yielding constrained solutions. This diversity in output proves advantageous in applications mandating versatile and innovative solutions.


This comparative study sheds light on the efficacy of LoRA and full finetuning techniques in optimizing large language models. While LoRA demonstrates shortcomings in performance compared to full finetuning, its regularization benefits and ability to produce diverse output solutions make it a valuable tool for certain applications. However, businesses seeking optimal performance in programming and mathematics tasks may find full finetuning to be the more effective choice, considering its ability to induce higher weight perturbations and achieve superior results in these domains.
