A report by Microsoft and the Tech Council of Australia reveals that Australian healthcare can gain up to $13 billion in value by embracing generative AI


  • A report by Microsoft and the Tech Council of Australia reveals that Australian healthcare can gain up to $13 billion in value by embracing generative AI.
  • Generative AI can revolutionize patient care by automating administrative tasks, enabling personalized care through wearable devices, and facilitating early diagnoses.
  • To realize these benefits, patient confidentiality and safety must be maintained with robust protocols.
  • Besides healthcare, other sectors like manufacturing, retail, and professional services could also benefit, contributing up to $115 billion to Australia’s economy by 2030.
  • However, technological capabilities, enterprise readiness, awareness, skills, and responsible AI practices are essential for maximizing these economic gains.

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A groundbreaking report, titled “Australia’s Generative AI Opportunity,” jointly published by Microsoft and the Tech Council of Australia, has unveiled a wealth of potential in the Australian healthcare sector through the responsible adoption of generative AI. This technological revolution promises to unlock a staggering value of up to $13 billion for the healthcare industry, provided it can accelerate its embrace of this transformative innovation.

According to the report’s projections, the speed at which the healthcare sector adopts generative AI will play a pivotal role in reaping the financial rewards. By 2030, the sector could enjoy an annual windfall ranging from $5 billion to $13 billion. This remarkable growth is attributed to generative AI’s multifaceted capabilities, including streamlining administrative tasks, enabling personalized care through wearable devices, and facilitating earlier diagnoses on a large scale through digital self-service options. The potential to automate a quarter of nursing tasks alone could revolutionize one-on-one patient care, presenting a compelling case for swift adoption.

However, the realization of this grand vision hinges on the sector’s unwavering commitment to maintaining patient confidentiality and safety, bolstered by robust protocols. Kate Pounder, CEO of the Tech Council of Australia, emphasized the imperative of balancing personalized care, privacy, and safety to seize this unprecedented opportunity fully.

The transformative power of generative AI extends well beyond healthcare, with manufacturing, retail, and professional and financial services poised to experience a combined economic surge of up to $115 billion by the end of the decade. For Australia, the road to reaping these vast benefits lies in embracing its comparative advantages in digital technology, boasting a highly-skilled workforce, significant investments in digital infrastructure, and widespread adoption of cloud computing.

The report underscores that several barriers need to be addressed to harness generative AI’s potential fully. These include technology capability, enterprise readiness, awareness and skills, and the pressing need for responsible AI practices. To overcome these challenges, the report outlines strategic actions such as defining the opportunity and vision for generative AI, assessing readiness, incentivizing adoption and innovation, upskilling the workforce, and developing comprehensive AI governance frameworks.

Earlier this year, Stefan Harrer, the chief innovation officer of the Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre and an AI ethicist, presented an ethical framework to guide the responsible use, design, and governance of generative AI applications in healthcare and medicine. This framework, published in The Lancet’s eBioMedicine journal, represents a significant step towards ensuring the ethical development and application of generative AI in the healthcare domain.

Pounder further underscored the tremendous potential generative AI holds for Australia, enabling more efficient healthcare service delivery, mitigating staff shortages, and reducing patient waitlists. Emphasizing the importance of fostering collaboration between industry and government, Microsoft ANZ CTO Lee Hickin reiterated the commitment to building trust in this transformative technology, solidifying Australia’s position as a global leader in the generative AI landscape. The convergence of vision, innovation, and ethical considerations will steer Australia toward a bright future, setting the stage for a world-class healthcare system and a thriving economy powered by generative AI.


The report highlights the immense potential of generative AI for the Australian healthcare sector and the broader economy. By responsibly adopting this transformative technology, the healthcare industry stands to reap significant financial benefits. The key lies in striking a balance between adopting generative AI swiftly and ensuring patient privacy and safety. The adoption of generative AI can not only revolutionize patient care but also drive economic growth in various sectors. To stay ahead in the market, businesses must invest in technology, upskill their workforce, and implement responsible AI governance frameworks. Embracing generative AI will position Australia as a global leader in the AI space and lead to a world-class healthcare system, providing a competitive advantage in the ever-evolving market landscape.
