American Federation of Teachers Embraces AI Partnership with GPTZero


  • AFT, the American Federation of Teachers, has partnered with AI identification platform GPTZero.
  • The collaboration aims to address students’ increasing reliance on AI for homework.
  • AFT President Randi Weingarten emphasizes the need for privacy and security safeguards.
  • Weingarten believes AI can be a valuable tool if properly regulated and integrated into education.
  • GPTZero, co-founded by Edward Tian, is committed to exploring AI’s potential in classrooms.
  • The partnership includes tailored AI detection tools and support for educators.
  • GPTZero enables students to certify human-generated content and disclose AI usage.
  • AI can reduce administrative burdens and enhance lesson planning for teachers.

Main AI News:

In a significant development for the education sector, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teacher’s union in the United States, has entered into a strategic partnership with GPTZero, an advanced AI identification platform. This collaboration aims to address the growing challenge of students relying on artificial intelligence to complete their homework assignments.

The AFT recognizes the potential benefits of AI in education but acknowledges the need for proper oversight and safeguards. Randi Weingarten, the President of AFT, emphasized the importance of establishing robust guardrails to protect students’ privacy and security when using AI-driven solutions like ChatGPT.

According to Weingarten, “ChatGPT can be a really important supplement and complement to educators if the guardrails are in place, and the guardrails have to be about privacy and security and things like that.

Fostering Collaboration with AI

Weingarten believes that AI has a vital role to play in the modern classroom, provided it is used responsibly and ethically. She emphasized that educators should embrace technology rather than resist it, drawing parallels with past industrial revolutions and the transitions they necessitated.

We believe in its potential, and we know if we don’t guard against its perils upfront, we’re going to repeat the terrible transitions that happened with the industrial revolution,” she stated.

Weingarten is convinced that products like those offered by GPTZero can help educators leverage generative AI to benefit both students and teachers. “You can’t stop technology and innovation. You need to ride it and harness it, and that’s what we are talking to our members about,” she added.

GPTZero’s Commitment to Education

GPTZero, a company co-founded by recent Princeton graduate Edward Tian, comprises a team of 15 dedicated individuals who are committed to exploring AI’s potential in the classroom. Tian expressed their commitment to working collaboratively with educators to harness AI effectively.

We’re committed together to figuring out the applications of AI in classrooms and building GPTZero to be the best pedagogical solution for teachers and students to collaborate together in adopting AI,” Tian explained.

While free versions of GPTZero products are available, the AFT is investing in more tailored AI detection and certification tools, along with assistance, to enhance its educational offerings.

Responsible AI Usage

GPTZero, originally developed in January to scan text for AI input, has expanded its capabilities. It now includes a feature that allows students to certify their content as human-generated and openly disclose when they utilize AI assistance. Edward Tian highlighted the company’s mission to promote responsible AI usage in education.

A big goal of ours is to demonstrate that the use of AI in education does not have to be adversarial,” Tian stated. “We want to empower students to use AI responsibly.

Educational Benefits of AI

Weingarten also recognized the positive impact of AI on teachers, including reducing paperwork burdens, bureaucratic tasks and assisting in the creation of lesson plans. While she acknowledges AI’s potential, she stresses the need for ethical regulations to ensure its responsible integration into education.

“It can hugely reduce paperwork burdens, bureaucratic burdens, and it can help with the writing of lesson plans,” Weingarten noted. “I think there is huge potential here, but we have to be sober about it. We cannot pretend that it is a panacea, but have to hope and push for the kind of ethical regulations that are necessary so that it doesn’t destroy.”


The partnership between AFT and GPTZero reflects the education sector’s growing acceptance of AI technology. By emphasizing responsible AI usage and providing educators with the necessary tools, this collaboration seeks to harness the benefits of AI while ensuring privacy and security. It signifies a significant step toward integrating AI into education in a controlled and beneficial manner, with potential implications for the broader market as educational institutions increasingly adopt AI solutions.
