Apple and UC Santa Barbara collaborate on an end-to-end network for detailed 3D reconstructions from posed images


  • Apple and UC Santa Barbara collaborate on a pioneering approach to 3D model creation.
  • Traditional depth map-based 3D model creation was replaced by deep neural network inference.
  • New method eliminates artifacts and inconsistencies caused by transparent or low-textured surfaces.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) enables smooth, realistic surface generation.
  • Tri-linear interpolation was used to align ground-truth data, yielding 10% improvement.
  • Voxel grid projection and CNN enhance geometric detail capture.
  • Multi-view stereo depth estimation mitigates blurring during back projection.
  • Method allows for high-resolution output without extra training or convolutions.

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Think back to your adventures in the virtual world of GTA-5. Remember the awe-inspiring 3D graphics that brought the game to life? Unlike the flat landscapes of 2D graphics, 3D graphics have the power to replicate depth and perspective flawlessly, offering an unparalleled level of realism and engagement. These dynamic visuals have carved their place not only in gaming but also across a spectrum of industries, from filmmaking and architecture to medicine, virtual reality, and more.

Traditionally, crafting a 3D model involved a meticulous process of estimating depth maps for input images, which were then meticulously merged to construct the final 3D representation. However, a paradigm-shifting collaboration between Apple’s visionary researchers and the academic prowess of the University of California, Santa Barbara, has yielded a groundbreaking alternative. The focal point? A direct inference mechanism for scene-level 3D geometry, powered by the prowess of deep neural networks—a leap that obviates the need for the conventional test-time optimization approach.

The Achilles’ heel of the traditional technique lay in its inability to reconcile disparities between depth maps and the reality they aimed to capture. Transparent or low-textured surfaces often led to distorted geometry or artifacts, tarnishing the overall fidelity of the model. In a calculated departure from the norm, the research team’s solution involves projecting images onto a voxel grid. This projection, in tandem with a 3D convolution neural network, enables the direct prediction of the scene’s truncated signed distance function (TSDF).

Central to this innovation is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), an AI architecture meticulously designed for processing and deciphering visual data—especially images and videos. The beauty of leveraging this technique lies in its capacity to learn and generate seamless, uniform surfaces that artfully bridge gaps in low-textured or transparent zones.

Navigating the landscape of challenges, the researchers harnessed tri-linear interpolation to align the ground-truth TSDF with the model’s voxel grid during training. This method, while effective, introduced an element of randomness that could compromise precision. In a remarkable stride towards perfection, the team opted to bank solely on supervised predictions at precise junctures where the ground-truth TSDF held a firm foothold. This strategic shift translated into a notable 10% enhancement in results.

A voxel—short for volumetric pixel—is the cornerstone of this paradigm shift. Resembling a point in 3D space within a gridded framework, voxels mirror the role of pixels in 2D images. However, the existing voxel dimensions—often at 4cm or larger—fall short when capturing the intricacies present in real-world images. Overcoming this hurdle, the researchers harnessed the potency of a CNN grid feature, facilitating the direct projection of image features onto the query points.

While progress was steady, a roadblock emerged during the dense back projection process, inducing blurriness in the resulting volume. Swiftly surmounting this obstacle, the researchers orchestrated an initial multi-view stereo depth estimation. This crucial step not only counteracted the blurring effect but also amplified the feature volume’s potency, paving the way for a refined outcome.

In the grand tapestry of their work, the researchers assert that their methodology serves as the linchpin, empowering the network to encapsulate intricate nuances. Moreover, this approach affords the freedom to tailor output resolution sans the need for supplementary training or an intricate web of 3D convolution strata. This innovation doesn’t just create models—it forges a new era of precision and adaptability, poised to leave a lasting imprint on the realm of immersive visuals.


The collaboration between Apple and UC Santa Barbara marks a significant stride in 3D model generation. By integrating deep neural networks and pioneering techniques like voxel grid projection and multi-view stereo depth estimation, the approach not only achieves higher precision but also addresses long-standing issues with transparency and texture. This innovation has the potential to reshape markets reliant on immersive visuals, from gaming and film to architecture and medicine, offering a more streamlined and accurate solution for creating intricate 3D models.
