Baidu Unveils Ernie 3.5: A Game-Changing AI-Language Generation Model


  • Baidu is developing Ernie 3.5, a powerful AI language generation model set to be released soon.
  • Ernie 3.5 will enhance Baidu’s search engine and other applications, similar to its predecessor Ernie Pod ChatGPT.
  • The announcement was made by Baidu CEO Robin Li at the renowned Zhongguancun forum.
  • Ernie Bot, positioned as China’s alternative to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, demonstrated its impressive capabilities during a live event.
  • Baidu shared images of Ernie Bot on WeChat, showcasing its expanded functionalities compared to earlier versions.
  • Ernie Bot and other Generative AI LLM products have been in beta mode, with selected companies and users providing feedback.
  • Baidu aims to surpass OpenAI’s chatbot popularity and offer an unrivaled user experience with Ernie Bot.
  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT app, available for iPhone users in the US and other countries, supports seamless chat synchronization.

Main AI News:

Chinese search engine giant Baidu is on the verge of unveiling its highly anticipated AI-powered language generation model, Ernie 3.5. The brainchild of Baidu’s CEO Robin Li, Ernie 3.5, is set to revolutionize the landscape of artificial intelligence. This cutting-edge model is expected to be released in the near future, promising groundbreaking advancements in language processing.

Ernie 3.5 will serve as a sophisticated application, akin to its predecessor Ernie Pod ChatGPT, while also fueling Baidu’s search engine and other ventures. The announcement of Ernie 3.5 was made by Li himself at the prestigious Zhongguancun forum, a renowned tech platform in China. This unveiling event has generated significant buzz within the industry, drawing attention from tech enthusiasts and experts alike.

Li’s introduction of Ernie Bot on March 16 aimed to position it as China’s answer to ChatGPT, developed by the US-based OpenAI. The audience was treated to prerecorded demonstrations, masterfully showcasing the vast capabilities of this AI chatbot. The chatbot’s potential was on full display, leaving spectators awestruck.

Shortly after the event, Baidu’s spokesperson shared captivating images of the Ernie Bot within a WeChat group—a testament to the bot’s remarkable capabilities. These snapshots revealed a wider array of functionalities compared to its earlier version, setting the stage for an evolutionary leap in conversational AI technology.

Since its initial launch, Ernie Bot and other products fueled by the prowess of Generative AI LLM have been in beta mode. Baidu has strategically extended exclusive invitations to a select group of companies and users, allowing them to test the product and provide invaluable feedback. This approach emphasizes Baidu’s commitment to refining and perfecting Ernie Bot, ensuring it delivers an unparalleled user experience.

Baidu’s Ernie Bot is poised to surpass the popularity of Microsoft’s OpenAI chatbot, emerging as the preferred choice for users seeking advanced conversational capabilities. OpenAI, under the guidance of Sam Altman, successfully introduced the ChatGPT app for iPhone users in the United States, followed by its expansion to 11 additional countries. Offering seamless synchronization of chats across platforms, the ChatGPT app is available for download from the App Store, supporting both web and voice input.

As the world eagerly awaits the official release of Ernie 3.5, Baidu’s commitment to innovation in the realm of AI remains unwavering. With its robust capabilities and potential to reshape the future of language generation, Ernie 3.5 is poised to propel Baidu to the forefront of the AI revolution. Stay tuned for further updates on this groundbreaking development.


the development of Baidu’s Ernie 3.5 and the unveiling of the advanced Ernie Bot represent significant milestones in the AI language generation space. Baidu’s strong emphasis on innovation and refining the user experience demonstrates its commitment to dominating the market. With its expanded capabilities and the potential to outshine competing products, Ernie 3.5 and Ernie Bot position Baidu as a formidable force in the conversational AI landscape. As the AI market continues to evolve, Baidu’s advancements have the potential to redefine the way we interact with technology and pave the way for further AI breakthroughs.
