China’s Military Modernization Through AI: The New Arms Race


  • China is rapidly advancing in military technology, particularly in AI and machine learning, challenging the US’s historical advantage.
  • The Chinese government aims to integrate AI into unmanned systems and weapons to create a world-class military force.
  • President Xi Jinping emphasizes AI development for smart warfare and upgrading the PLA into a modernized army.
  • China’s strategic focus on AI has been evident since 2019, and it is now a key component of the National Defense Strategy Document.
  • China envisions AI transforming warfare in areas such as unmanned weapons autonomy, information processing, and military decision-making.
  • The emergence of China as an AI-driven military power has raised concerns in the US, prompting calls for accelerated development of AI-based weapons.
  • The US must respond to China’s advancements to avoid losing a future conflict, with AI funding and technology incorporation becoming top priorities.

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In the realm of military technology, the United States has long held an advantageous position since the end of the Cold War. However, the rise of China as a formidable global competitor has presented a challenge, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) that have the potential to revolutionize warfare.

The US Congressional Research Service (CRS) acknowledges that while the US still leads in technology overall, China and Russia are making significant strides. China, in particular, has emerged as a strong contender in the international AI market, with recent achievements indicating its potential to indirectly bolster its military prowess.

To bolster its military capabilities, China’s government is making a strategic push to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into various unmanned systems and weapons, enabling centralized autonomous operations. Under its vision for the “new era,” Beijing aims to elevate the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to a world-class force, countering US conventional military dominance in the Indo-Pacific region.

President Xi Jinping’s speech during the 20th Party Congress in October 2022 underscored the importance of AI for China’s national security and military aspirations. Xi emphasized Beijing’s commitment to AI development and referenced the concept of “smart warfare” through AI-enabled military systems. This highlights China’s determination to transform the PLA into a modernized and technologically advanced army, equipped with cutting-edge strategies and tactics reinforced by the principles of computerized and intelligent warfare.

China’s national leadership has been actively promoting the concept of artificial intelligence since 2019, and this approach has been integrated into the country’s National Defense Strategy Document. The question arises: how will AI play a crucial role in the efforts of the People’s Liberation Army, and why does this worry the United States?

The United States and China are now in the midst of a prolonged military rivalry, with tensions escalating in regions like Taiwan, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea. China firmly believes that rapid advancements in AI and autonomous systems will fundamentally transform the nature of warfare, and it is dedicated to realizing this vision.

China views AI as a key component of the broader “smart era” that is set to revolutionize various aspects of society. Embracing the fourth industrial revolution, China aims to outpace its adversaries through extensive investment in AI development, positioning itself at the forefront of this cutting-edge technological landscape.

In pursuit of geopolitical advantage, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) places a significant emphasis on technology’s role in shaping warfare. By outperforming the United States in this sphere of technology, the CCP hopes to gain a decisive edge in global competition, potentially heralding a new type of war for which the US may not be fully prepared.

Papers authored by senior PLA officials and strategists reveal four primary areas in which China seeks to utilize AI in military operations. These include developing unmanned weapons autonomy, processing vast amounts of information through machine learning, and accelerating military decision-making with the aid of AI. China’s approach aligns with concepts like mosaic warfare and decision-centered warfare, both of which are central to US discussions on future warfare using AI.

The news of China’s implementation of AI in its military has prompted concern from various parties, including Silicon Valley and the Pentagon. Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO and leader of an AI-focused initiative for US defense agencies, expressed worry during a US House of Representatives meeting on China.

According to the Special Competitive Study Project (SCSP), led by Schmidt, the US must reevaluate its military strategy and respond effectively to the growing threats posed by China’s advancements. The report highlights China’s pursuit of advanced capabilities tailored to counter traditional US warfare methods. With China’s intensive efforts to study and integrate AI into military operations, it could potentially surpass the US in this crucial domain.

Despite the US’s slight advantage in AI and quantification, China’s larger workforce focused on strategic AI development presents a challenge. The Department of Defense and Congress officials acknowledge that the US risks losing a future conflict with China if it fails to rapidly develop AI-based weapons.

In response, the Biden administration has taken steps to curb China’s AI ambitions by tightening exports of high-end chips to Chinese companies, particularly in the military sector. The US Department of Defense has also requested a significant increase in AI funding, recognizing the pivotal role of AI as a frontline technology in modern warfare.


China’s relentless pursuit of AI in military applications represents a significant shift in the global defense landscape. With the US facing growing competition and concerns about potential vulnerabilities, the race to dominate AI in warfare has become paramount. Companies and industries specializing in AI technology, particularly in defense applications, stand to gain from increased investments and collaborations with governments seeking to maintain a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving market. Meanwhile, the escalating AI arms race may also raise ethical and security considerations, demanding international cooperation to establish responsible AI use and prevent unintended consequences.
