Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Unveils Strategic Plan for Advancing AI Initiatives


  • CISA unveils a roadmap to guide its AI initiatives.
  • The roadmap encompasses five strategic pillars.
  • Focus areas include responsible AI use, assurance of AI systems, protection of critical infrastructure, policy alignment, and workforce enhancement.
  • The roadmap emphasizes risk mitigation and transparency.
  • CISA’s Director, Jen Easterly, highlights the importance of balancing AI’s promise and risks.

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In a decisive move towards shaping the future of artificial intelligence (AI) governance, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has launched a comprehensive roadmap aimed at guiding its AI efforts. This strategic initiative aligns with the broader AI governance policy ushered in by President Joe Biden’s executive order in late October, which seeks to establish a robust regulatory framework for machine learning technologies.

The CISA AI Roadmap is structured around five strategic pillars, designed to foster responsible and secure AI adoption within both CISA and its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These pillars are:

  1. Responsible AI Utilization: The first pillar emphasizes the responsible use of AI to support CISA’s mission while adhering to the Constitution and all applicable laws and policies. Key sub-objectives include the incorporation of robust cyber defense protocols and the mitigation of systemic biases in AI systems.
  2. Assuring AI Systems: Under the second pillar, CISA aims to assess the state of AI adoption across the government and its stakeholders. This effort includes initiatives like the Secure by Design initiative, which focuses on ensuring the safety of AI systems.
  3. Protecting Critical Infrastructure: The third pillar involves safeguarding critical infrastructure by launching collaborative ventures within the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) and its AI extension, JCDC.AI. These initiatives will address threats, vulnerabilities, and mitigation strategies for AI systems.
  4. Policy Development and Alignment: The fourth pillar seeks to establish AI policy positions within CISA and DHS, aligning them with government and international regulations to ensure coherence in AI strategies.
  5. AI Workforce Enhancement: In the final pillar, CISA plans to bolster its workforce by recruiting individuals with AI expertise and providing upskilling opportunities for existing employees. The training will encompass technical aspects of AI, as well as considerations related to legality, ethics, and policy.

The overarching theme of the roadmap is risk mitigation, with a focus on designing AI and machine learning systems with inherent risk management features. It also emphasizes the importance of information sharing regarding threats and maintains a commitment to transparency in deploying these advanced technologies.

CISA Director Jen Easterly stated, “Artificial Intelligence holds immense promise in enhancing our nation’s cybersecurity, but as the most powerful technology of our lifetimes, it also presents enormous risks.” She further highlighted that the roadmap aligns with the recent executive order’s goal of ensuring consistent risk mitigation while harnessing the benefits of new AI technologies.

The roadmap reflects a “whole-of-government” approach applicable to all federal agencies while being customized to suit CISA’s specific needs and alignment with the recent executive order. It also underscores CISA’s commitment to supporting DHS in interagency processes related to AI.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas remarked, “CISA’s roadmap lays out the steps that the agency will take as part of our department’s broader efforts to both leverage AI and mitigate its risks to our critical infrastructure and cyber defenses.” It reinforces DHS’s leadership role in advancing the responsible use of AI, positioning the cybersecurity roadmap as a pivotal element of this endeavor.


CISA’s strategic roadmap for AI governance signifies a significant commitment to navigating the complex landscape of artificial intelligence. This comprehensive plan underscores the agency’s dedication to responsible AI use, safety assurance, and the protection of critical infrastructure. The emphasis on risk mitigation aligns with the agency’s mission to enhance cybersecurity while harnessing the potential of AI technology. This development showcases CISA’s leadership in the evolving AI market, emphasizing the need for organizations to prioritize AI governance and risk management.
