Emerging Security Threats in AI-Powered Autonomous Vehicles: Implications and Future Directions

  • AI is essential for autonomous vehicles, driving decision-making, and predictive modeling.
  • Research from the University at Buffalo highlights potential vulnerabilities in AI systems, making them susceptible to attacks.
  • Strategic placement of 3D-printed objects could render vehicles invisible to AI radar detection.
  • This research has significant implications for the automotive, technology, insurance, and regulatory sectors.
  • Current autonomous vehicles are not deemed unsafe, but the potential vulnerabilities need addressing.
  • Advances in autonomous vehicle technology have outpaced the development of robust security measures.
  • Ongoing research seeks to develop defenses against these emerging threats.

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Artificial intelligence is a fundamental technology in the evolution of autonomous vehicles, enabling crucial functions such as decision-making, sensing, and predictive modeling. However, the security of these AI systems against potential attacks remains a significant concern. Recent research from the University at Buffalo indicates that malicious actors might exploit vulnerabilities within these systems, potentially causing them to fail. For instance, strategically placed 3D-printed objects on a vehicle could render it invisible to AI-powered radar systems, posing a serious risk to detection capabilities.

While these studies are conducted in controlled settings, the findings have broader implications for various sectors, including automotive, technology, insurance, and government regulation. The research does not imply that existing autonomous vehicles are unsafe but underscores the need to address potential vulnerabilities as the adoption of self-driving technology accelerates.

Under the leadership of Chunming Qiao, a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo, this research aims to ensure the security of AI systems in autonomous vehicles. As self-driving cars edge closer to becoming a mainstream transportation mode, safeguarding these systems against adversarial threats has become increasingly critical.

Documented in a series of publications since 2021, this research includes studies at crucial conferences such as the Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) and the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium. Over the past three years, Qiao’s team, which includes cybersecurity specialist Yi Zhu, has conducted extensive tests on an autonomous vehicle at UB’s North Campus.

Yi Zhu, who recently joined the faculty at Wayne State University after completing his Ph.D. at UB, has played a pivotal role in investigating the vulnerabilities of various sensors, including lidars, radars, and cameras. Millimeter wave (mmWave) radar has gained popularity for object detection in autonomous driving due to its reliability in adverse weather conditions. However, these radars are susceptible to both digital and physical hacking.

In one experiment, the researchers utilized 3D printers and metal foils to create geometric shapes known as “tile masks.”When strategically placed on a vehicle, these masks misled AI radar systems, effectively making the vehicle invisible to detection.

This work on tile masks was featured in the Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. The findings demonstrate that while AI excels at processing large amounts of data, it remains vulnerable to adversarial inputs outside its training parameters.

The risks associated with these vulnerabilities are considerable. An attacker could discreetly attach an adversarial object to a vehicle during a stop or even integrate such objects into a pedestrian’s attire, leading to potentially disastrous consequences. The motivations behind such attacks could range from insurance fraud to corporate sabotage or personal vendettas.

Although these attacks presume that the attacker has in-depth knowledge of the victim’s radar system—a scenario not easily achievable by the general public—the security concerns they raise are urgent and significant.

The rapid technological advancements in autonomous vehicles have outpaced the development of comprehensive security measures, particularly against external threats. Although researchers are exploring defenses against these attacks, a foolproof solution still needs to be discovered. The next phase of the research will focus on the security of other sensors, such as cameras and motion planning systems, to develop robust defense mechanisms against these emerging threats.


The University at Buffalo’s research findings underscore the need for heightened attention to the security of AI systems in autonomous vehicles. As self-driving technology moves closer to widespread adoption, the market must prepare for the potential risks associated with adversarial attacks. It presents challenges and opportunities for the automotive, technology, and insurance industries and government regulators. Companies involved in autonomous driving must prioritize the development of advanced security measures to safeguard against these vulnerabilities. Failure to address these concerns could lead to significant financial, legal, and reputational risks, potentially slowing the adoption of autonomous vehicles and affecting the overall market trajectory.
