Evolution of AI in Cybersecurity: Insights from Bugcrowd’s CISO Report

  • 91% of security leaders believe AI will outperform or already surpass human security teams.
  • 33% think companies prioritize cost savings over long-term security.
  • 87% are actively hiring for security roles; 56% have understaffed teams.
  • Over 80% of cybersecurity leaders hold degrees in cybersecurity.
  • 70% plan to reduce security team sizes due to AI adoption in the next 5 years.
  • Majority agree AI’s risks outweigh its benefits (58%).
  • 70% use crowdsourced security to test AI defenses; 73% view ethical hacking positively.
  • 89% perceive modern threats as more serious and evasive.

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According to Bugcrowd’s “Inside the Mind of a CISO” report, 91% of security leaders believe that AI will surpass human security teams in performance capabilities or has already done so. The report, which delves into the perspectives of cybersecurity executives globally, highlights their concerns over AI threats, evolving roles, and key priorities within the field.

Key insights from the report reveal that a significant portion of respondents, 33%, perceive that many companies prioritize cost savings over long-term customer privacy and security. Moreover, 87% of surveyed organizations are actively recruiting for security positions, with 56% acknowledging that their current security teams are understaffed. Despite some misconceptions about educational qualifications, the vast majority (80%) of cybersecurity leaders hold specialized degrees in the field.

Looking ahead, 70% of respondents anticipate reducing their security team sizes over the next five years due to the integration of AI technologies. The overwhelming consensus, with over 90% agreement, is that AI currently outperforms or will soon outperform human security professionals. However, concerns about the risks associated with AI technology are prevalent, as 58% of respondents believe that its potential dangers outweigh its benefits.

In response to the evolving threat landscape and the malicious potential of AI-driven attacks, 70% of security leaders are turning to crowdsourced security solutions for testing their AI defenses. Ethical hacking, viewed favorably by 73% of respondents, plays a crucial role in these defensive strategies, with 75% of security leaders having direct experience in ethical hacking practices. This collaborative approach is seen as essential in combating increasingly sophisticated and adaptive threats, with 89% of respondents highlighting the seriousness and complexity of modern-day cybersecurity challenges.

Nick McKenzie, CISO at Bugcrowd, emphasizes the evolving role of the CISO amidst these challenges: “The CISO role is evolving. Given the current risk landscape and the need to prioritize security over resilience, the CISO has more responsibility than ever before. Bridging the gap between CISOs and the collective ingenuity of hackers is key to shielding organizations from the increasing onslaught of AI threats and attacks.”

As cybersecurity strategies continue to evolve, professionals and organizations must remain agile in adopting emerging technologies such as AI and leveraging crowdsourced cybersecurity approaches. Bugcrowd’s platform exemplifies this proactive approach, connecting organizations with skilled hackers to bolster their defenses against sophisticated threats across various digital domains. This collaborative effort ensures that CISOs can harness the collective expertise of ethical hackers to effectively identify and mitigate risks, safeguarding critical assets and infrastructure.


The findings from Bugcrowd’s report underscore a significant shift in cybersecurity dynamics, with AI emerging as a formidable force poised to reshape security operations. Despite concerns over AI’s risks, the industry is increasingly reliant on its capabilities to combat complex and evolving threats. The integration of crowdsourced security and ethical hacking reflects a proactive approach among organizations to bolster their defenses. As AI continues to advance, cybersecurity professionals must adapt swiftly to harness its potential while mitigating associated risks effectively.


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