Johns Hopkins University invests in data science and AI, strengthening capabilities to leverage emerging applications.


  • Johns Hopkins University is making a major investment in data science and artificial intelligence (AI) to capitalize on the growing opportunities presented by abundant data and accessible AI technologies.
  • The university will establish a new data science and translation institute that will house experts in AI, machine learning, applied mathematics, computer engineering, and computer science, driving data-driven discoveries across diverse fields.
  • The institute will have 80 new affiliated faculty members and 30 new Bloomberg Distinguished Professors to ensure its impact reaches every corner of the university.
  • Johns Hopkins aims to become a leading academic hub for data science and AI, revolutionizing research and teaching worldwide.
  • The exponential growth of data and AI technologies has the potential to transform various industries, including medicine, public health, engineering, and more.
  • The new institute will facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations to apply big data in addressing pressing issues and supporting large-scale data projects for the public good.

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In a bold move that solidifies its position as a global leader in academia, Johns Hopkins University has announced a significant investment in the burgeoning fields of data science and artificial intelligence (AI). This strategic move aims to harness the potential of emerging applications, as well as address the challenges presented by the exponential growth of data availability and the rapid rise of accessible AI technologies.

Central to this ambitious endeavor is the establishment of a cutting-edge data science and translation institute, dedicated to advancing the application, comprehension, collection, and management of data. The institute will also focus on developing state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence systems across diverse fields, including neuroscience, precision medicine, climate resilience, sustainability, public sector innovation, social sciences, and humanities.

The project will assemble a cadre of distinguished experts in AI, machine learning, applied mathematics, computer engineering, and computer science. These specialists will join forces in a collective effort to drive data-driven discoveries across the institution. To bolster the institute’s mission, Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering will welcome 80 new affiliated faculty members. Additionally, the recruitment of 30 new Bloomberg Distinguished Professors with cross-disciplinary expertise will ensure the institute’s influence extends throughout the university.

Situated on the Homewood campus, the data science and translation institute will operate from a state-of-the-art facility, custom-designed to maximize the potential of cutting-edge computational resources and advanced technologies. Spearheading this groundbreaking initiative will be the renowned AI pioneer, Rama Chellappa, and KT Ramesh, the esteemed senior adviser to the president for AI. While the university conducts an international search for a permanent director, it will assume the roles of interim co-directors.

Johns Hopkins President Ron Daniels expressed his enthusiasm, noting, “Data and artificial intelligence are shaping new horizons of academic research and critical inquiry with profound implications for fields and disciplines across nearly every facet of Johns Hopkins. I’m thrilled this new institute will harness our university’s innate ethos of interdisciplinary collaboration and build upon our demonstrated capacity to deliver impactful research at the forefront of this critical age of technology.”

This visionary data science and translation institute aligns with one of the ten strategic goals outlined in the university’s Ten for One strategic plan. By creating a premier academic hub for data science and AI, Johns Hopkins aims to catalyze research and teaching across the institution, magnifying its impact worldwide.

The 21st century is witnessing an unprecedented explosion of data across various domains, from wearables and autonomous systems to genomics and localized climate monitoring. According to the International Data Corporation, digital data generation is expected to surge fivefold in the next few years, reaching a staggering 175 trillion gigabytes by 2025. Harnessing this data, coupled with the potential of AI, has the power to revolutionize critical areas of discovery, transforming the world as we know it.

The university’s previous data-driven initiatives, including the AI-X Foundry, have laid the foundation for this monumental step forward. The AI-X Foundry, launched earlier this year, explores the vast potential of human collaboration with AI to revolutionize medicine, public health, engineering, patient care, and more.

Furthermore, Johns Hopkins has several programs and centers that will play vital roles in the new institute. These include the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science, the Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence, the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, and the Center for Language and Speech Processing. The Applied Physics Laboratory, renowned for its research in data science, AI, and machine learning, further enhances the university’s position as a leading institution in these fields.

The data science and translation institute will facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations with experts from various divisions within Johns Hopkins. Working together, they will apply big data to address pressing issues and support future large-scale data projects that benefit the public, much like the acclaimed Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

Beth Blauer, Associate Vice Provost for Public Sector Innovation and Data Lead for the CRC, highlighted the power of data science and translation, emphasizing its potential to guide life-saving decisions. The new institute’s commitment to data transparency and accessibility will ensure trust and reproducibility across the research enterprise, making data available to inform policymakers and the public.


Johns Hopkins University’s significant investment in data science and AI signifies the institution’s commitment to staying at the forefront of research, policy development, and civic engagement. This strategic move positions the university as a leader in the data-driven revolution, with vast potential to impact industries such as healthcare, public sector innovation, and beyond. Businesses in these sectors should closely monitor developments at Johns Hopkins, as its advancements may present opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Moreover, the university’s focus on data transparency and accessibility could set a precedent for other institutions and businesses to follow suit in promoting trust and reproducibility in data-driven decision-making.
