Machine Learning Provides Insights into the Evolution of Mammals


  • Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a machine learning method to determine the crucial parts of the genome for understanding evolution of species traits.
  • The Zoonomia Project aims to sequence the entire genomes of 240 mammals.
  • The Tissue-Aware Conservation Inference Toolkit (TACIT) is a machine learning approach developed to understand how enhancer regions of the genome function.
  • Enhancers, which are noncoding DNA regions, play a crucial role in the evolution of species.
  • TACIT was used to predict the function of genomic sequences in the 240 mammals and to detect genomic regions that have evolved for bigger brains in these animals.
  • The breakthrough in using machine learning to identify enhancer regions has important implications for conservation biology.
  • Scientists can make predictions about how enhancers function in endangered or threatened species where controlled laboratory experiments are impossible.
  • The study identified enhancers linked to social behavior and brain-size disorders in humans.
  • TACIT will provide new insights into mammalian evolution and allow us to develop new strategies for protecting biodiversity.

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The study of genomics has long been at the forefront of scientific research, and with good reason. It provides us with the necessary tools to unlock the secrets of evolution, enabling us to better understand how species have adapted over time. Now, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have made a major breakthrough in this field, developing a new machine learning method that can determine the parts of the genome that are crucial for understanding the evolution of species traits.

The Zoonomia Project, led by Assistant Professor Andreas Pfenning, aims to sequence the entire genomes of 240 mammals. By doing so, the team hopes to shed light on essential features of genes and traits that play a critical role in safeguarding human health and preserving the diversity of species.

To gain a better understanding of how enhancer regions of the genome function, the research team developed a machine-learning approach known as the Tissue-Aware Conservation Inference Toolkit (TACIT). Enhancers, which are noncoding DNA regions, control the activation of specific genes, playing a crucial role in the evolution of species. Since enhancers account for a significant portion of the genome, their study is essential to understanding evolution.

The research team used TACIT to predict the function of genomic sequences in the 240 mammals and subsequently applied it to detect the genomic regions that have evolved for bigger brains in these animals. Their findings revealed that these regions were often located near genes known to be associated with brain-size disorders in humans.

In addition, the team identified an enhancer linked to social behavior in mammals, which is specific to a particular type of neuron known as the parvalbumin-positive inhibitory interneuron. These findings have important implications for conservation biology, as they allow scientists to make predictions about how enhancers function in endangered or threatened species where controlled laboratory experiments are impossible.

This breakthrough in using machine learning to identify enhancer regions has important implications for conservation biology, as it allows scientists to make predictions about how enhancers function in endangered or threatened species where controlled laboratory experiments are impossible,” said Pfenning.

The study is just the tip of the iceberg, as there is still much more to discover. As ML methods and methods for identifying enhancers from specific cell types improve, TACIT will undoubtedly provide new insights into mammalian evolution, allowing us to develop new strategies for protecting biodiversity.


The development of the Tissue-Aware Conservation Inference Toolkit (TACIT) has significant implications for the market in the field of conservation biology. With this breakthrough in machine learning, scientists can better understand how species have adapted over time and develop new strategies for protecting biodiversity.

This means that companies operating in the conservation sector may benefit from this technology, as it could provide them with critical insights into how to better safeguard endangered or threatened species. The development of TACIT represents a significant step forward in the field of genomics, and it has the potential to drive innovation and growth in the conservation industry in the years to come.
