Maximizing LLM Performance in Problem-Solving Through CoT Reasoning Step Length


  • CoT prompting technique’s importance in problem-solving with Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Research focuses on the impact of reasoning step length within CoT prompts on LLM effectiveness.
  • Collaboration between Northwestern University, University of Liverpool, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Rutgers University.
  • Findings reveal that lengthening reasoning steps in prompts improve LLM reasoning abilities.
  • Shortening reasoning steps diminishes LLM performance.
  • Thoughtful reasoning steps are crucial for complex problem-solving with LLMs.
  • Increased reasoning steps benefit zero-shot CoT, enhancing LLM accuracy.

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Large language models (LLMs) have firmly established themselves as indispensable tools in the realm of complex problem-solving and reasoning tasks. Among the recent developments in this domain, the Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting technique has emerged as a game-changer, closely mimicking the sequential reasoning processes of human cognition. Its remarkable effectiveness in addressing a multitude of challenging scenarios cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, despite its promising applications, a comprehensive understanding of CoT’s inner workings remains elusive, leaving researchers to rely on experimental approaches to optimize its efficacy without a clear framework.

In a recent study, we delve into the intricacies of CoT prompting, with a laser focus on examining the interplay between the length of reasoning steps within prompts and the overall effectiveness of LLMs in problem-solving. This exploration holds particular significance in the context of advanced prompting strategies. CoT has gained widespread recognition for its proficiency in multi-step problem-solving, successfully navigating challenges across various domains, from cross-domain tasks to length-generalization and even cross-lingual endeavors.

Our research, spearheaded by a collaborative effort from Northwestern University, University of Liverpool, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Rutgers University, revolves around controlled experiments aimed at unraveling the impact of varying reasoning step lengths within CoT demonstrations. This meticulous investigation involves both expanding and compressing the rationale reasoning steps while keeping all other variables constant. Importantly, we ensured that no extraneous knowledge was introduced during the incorporation of new reasoning steps. In zero-shot experiments, we modified the initial prompt from “Let’s think step by step” to “Let’s think step by step, you must think more steps.” For the few-shot setting, we expanded the rationale reasoning steps within CoT demonstrations while maintaining consistency in other aspects.

The findings of our study unveiled a compelling revelation: lengthening reasoning steps in prompts, without introducing new information, significantly enhances LLMs’ reasoning capabilities across a spectrum of datasets. Conversely, shortening the reasoning steps while preserving key information noticeably diminishes the models’ reasoning prowess. This discovery underscores the pivotal role played by the number of steps in CoT prompts, providing invaluable guidance for harnessing the full potential of LLMs in navigating complex problem-solving scenarios.

Furthermore, our results demonstrated that even incorrect rationales can yield favorable outcomes if they adhere to the required length of inference. Additionally, it was observed that the benefits of increasing reasoning steps are contingent on the nature of the task at hand: simpler tasks require fewer steps, whereas more intricate challenges stand to gain significantly from longer inference sequences. Notably, increased reasoning steps in zero-shot CoT can substantially elevate LLM accuracy.


Our study sheds light on a crucial aspect of harnessing the power of large language models for problem-solving—thoughtful reasoning steps within CoT prompts. By understanding and optimizing the length of these steps, researchers and practitioners can unlock the full potential of LLMs in addressing complex tasks across diverse domains. The future of problem-solving with language models looks brighter than ever, thanks to this insightful exploration.
