Meta Unveils FACET: AI Benchmark for Fairness Evaluation in Computer Vision


  • Meta unveils FACET, a groundbreaking AI benchmark for assessing fairness in computer vision models.
  • FACET evaluates biases in AI models classifying and detecting objects in photos and videos.
  • The benchmark includes 32,000 images with 50,000 people, covering demographic attributes, occupations, and activities.
  • FACET aims to foster transparency and understanding among researchers and practitioners.
  • Meta acknowledges past biases in AI and strives for responsible AI practices.
  • FACET surpasses prior bias evaluation benchmarks with comprehensive assessments of gender-related attributes and physical features.
  • Meta’s approach to constructing FACET involves skilled annotators from diverse geographic regions.
  • FACET exposes biases in Meta’s DINOv2 computer vision algorithm, contributing to ongoing model improvements.
  • Meta’s web-based dataset explorer tool enables developers to engage ethically with the FACET benchmark.

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In a strategic move further solidifying its commitment to transparency and progress, Meta, a leading tech innovator, has announced the release of FACET, a revolutionary AI benchmark designed to scrutinize the “fairness” of AI models focused on classifying and detecting elements within photos and videos, prominently including individuals.

FACET, an acronym encapsulating “FAirness in Computer Vision EvaluaTion,” comprises an extensive collection of 32,000 images, meticulously curated to encompass 50,000 individuals. These images have been meticulously labeled by human annotators. The benchmark encompasses not only demographic and physical attributes but also accounts for a diverse array of occupations and activities, ranging from “basketball player” and “disc jockey” to “doctor.” This comprehensive approach empowers deep-seated evaluations of biases against these multifarious categories.

By releasing FACET, Meta underscores its commitment to fostering a conducive environment for researchers and practitioners alike. The benchmark encourages the execution of similar evaluative processes, thus catalyzing an enhanced comprehension of inherent disparities residing within their AI models. The ultimate goal lies in monitoring the efficacy of mitigation strategies enacted to address pressing fairness concerns. A distinguished spokesperson from Meta conveyed, “We encourage researchers to use FACET to benchmark fairness across other vision and multimodal tasks.”

While the tech industry has witnessed prior instances of bias evaluations in computer vision algorithms, Meta’s FACET emerges as a singularly potent tool. Meta’s commitment to upholding responsible AI practices is a focal point. FACET has been meticulously engineered to answer crucial questions, such as whether models showcase superior accuracy in classifying individuals based on stereotypically male attributes in gender presentation or if any biases are accentuated when an individual possesses coily hair as opposed to straight hair.

Meta’s rigorous methodology in constructing FACET involved the diligent labeling of attributes, ranging from perceived gender presentation and age group to nuanced physical features like skin tone, lighting conditions, tattoos, headwear, eyewear, hairstyle, and facial hair. These annotations were meticulously combined with labels for people, hair, and attire, drawn from the extensively acclaimed “Segment Anything 1 Billion” dataset, designed by Meta to refine computer vision models’ ability to effectively “segment” objects and creatures within images.

It’s worth noting that the images constituting FACET have been sourced from “Segment Anything 1 Billion,” a dataset created by Meta, which, in turn, acquired images from a designated “photo provider.” The utilization of these images for benchmarking purposes vis-à-vis individuals’ consent remains an ongoing ethical discussion.

Addressing concerns about workforce fairness, Meta has clarified that the annotators engaged were trained experts hailing from diverse geographical regions, spanning North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. Compensation for these experts was structured based on an hourly wage, reflective of the respective countries’ economic landscapes.

Undoubtedly, FACET signifies a leap forward in evaluating the fairness quotient of AI models. Its potential to probe various demographic attributes across different classification, detection, “instance segmentation,” and “visual grounding” models is indeed noteworthy. Furthermore, Meta’s humility in acknowledging FACET’s potential limitations highlights the company’s commitment to continuous refinement.

As part of its comprehensive endeavor, Meta has introduced a web-based dataset explorer tool alongside FACET, empowering developers to engage with the benchmark while conscientiously adhering to ethical guidelines. This tool embodies Meta’s vision of enabling developers to evaluate, test, and benchmark their models without indulging in training activities on the FACET dataset.


In unveiling FACET, Meta is setting a new industry standard for evaluating fairness in AI models within computer vision. The benchmark’s comprehensive assessment of biases and attributes showcases Meta’s dedication to responsible AI practices. This innovation will likely prompt a significant shift towards heightened transparency and equitable AI deployment across the market. As businesses increasingly prioritize ethical AI practices, Meta’s FACET will play a pivotal role in shaping the future landscape of AI technologies.
