Microsoft’s Innovative Approach to Elevating Language Models for Specific Industries


  • Domain-specific large language models (LLMs) have gained prominence due to the oversaturation of general LLMs.
  • Three primary methodologies for developing domain-specific LLMs: building from scratch, refining with supervised datasets, and leveraging domain information.
  • Microsoft’s researchers explore domain-adaptive pretraining, customizing models for specific domains cost-effectively.
  • Extended training on raw corpora enhances domain knowledge but impairs prompting performance.
  • Microsoft’s solution transforms raw corpora into reading comprehension texts, improving prompting performance by blending domain-specific knowledge with linguistic capabilities.
  • The result is the “Adapted Large Language Model” (AdaptLLM), with potential applications across various domains.

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Domain-specific large language models (LLMs) have risen to prominence as a response to the saturation of general LLMs. These domain-specific models can be categorized into three main methodologies. The first involves constructing models from the ground up by utilizing a blend of generic and domain-specific corpora. While this approach naturally yields domain-specific LLMs, the substantial computational and data requirements pose significant challenges.

A more economical alternative, the second method, refines language models through supervised datasets. However, a critical question arises regarding how well these finely-tuned LLMs grasp domain knowledge applicable across all domain-specific tasks.

The third approach leverages retrieved domain information to inspire the general language model, essentially treating it as an application of LLM rather than a direct enhancement. Researchers at Microsoft have delved into domain-adaptive pretraining, an ongoing pretraining process using domain-specific corpora. They posit that this method effectively customizes natural language processing models for specific domains while being cost-efficient.

By merging domain-specific expertise with broad linguistic capabilities, this approach bolsters performance in domain-specific tasks while minimizing expenses. Microsoft researchers embarked on preliminary experiments encompassing three domains: biology, finance, and law. Their findings indicated that extended training on raw corpora significantly diminishes prompting performance but retains benefits for fine-tuning and knowledge probing assessments.

This research has culminated in a transformative approach for transforming extensive raw corpora into reading comprehension texts that harness domain-specific knowledge to enhance prompting performance. Each raw text is augmented with a series of tasks tailored to its subject matter, as depicted in Figure 1. These exercises aim to sustain the model’s ability to respond to natural language queries within the context of the original text.

To further enhance prompting capabilities, a diverse set of general directions is provided within the reading comprehension texts. Rigorous testing in the domains of biology, economics, and law demonstrates the substantial performance improvements achieved through this method. The resultant model is christened “Adapted Large Language Model,” or AdaptLLM.

From a forward-looking perspective, Microsoft envisions expanding this process to encompass the creation of a comprehensive generic language model, thus broadening its utility across a myriad of domains.

In summation, Microsoft’s contributions are twofold:

  1. Ongoing Pretraining Insights: Microsoft’s exploration of ongoing pretraining for large language models reveals that while continued training on domain-specific raw corpora imparts domain knowledge, it significantly hampers the model’s prompting ability.
  2. Efficient Domain Knowledge Acquisition: To efficaciously imbibe domain knowledge while concurrently preserving prompting performance, they introduce a straightforward methodology that systematically transforms extensive raw corpora into reading comprehension texts. Rigorous testing showcases the consistent enhancement of model performance in three distinct domains: biology, finance, and law.


Microsoft’s innovative approach to enhancing language models for specific industries, as exemplified by AdaptLLM, signifies a pivotal shift in customizing natural language processing models. This approach offers cost-efficient solutions for domain-specific tasks, potentially revolutionizing various markets by improving performance and adaptability in fields such as biomedicine, finance, and law. Businesses should take note of these developments to stay competitive in an increasingly specialized landscape.
