Revolutionizing Image Segmentation: EfficientViT-SAM’s Impact on Computational Efficiency


  • Introduction of EfficientViT-SAM transforms image segmentation efficiency.
  • SAM’s computational demands hinder its widespread application in time-sensitive scenarios.
  • EfficientViT-SAM balances operational speed and segmentation accuracy through variants like EfficientViT-SAM-L and EfficientViT-SAM-XL.
  • EfficientViT architecture optimizes high-resolution dense prediction tasks with linear attention modules.
  • The architecture of EfficientViT-SAM ensures a seamless fusion of multi-scale features, enhancing segmentation capability.
  • A rigorous training regimen incorporates a mix of prompts and loss functions for effective adaptation.
  • Empirical performance demonstrates significant acceleration compared to SAM, with superior segmentation accuracy.
  • Zero-shot segmentation prowess validated through extensive testing on COCO and LVIS datasets.
  • Wild benchmark results affirm EfficientViT-SAM’s robustness across diverse segmentation scenarios.

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The realm of image segmentation has undergone a remarkable transformation with the advent of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), renowned for its unparalleled zero-shot segmentation prowess. SAM’s widespread adoption across diverse applications, from augmented reality to data annotation, underscores its indispensability. However, SAM’s computational demands, notably its image encoder requiring 2973 GMACs per image at inference, have hindered its applicability in time-sensitive scenarios.

In pursuit of enhancing SAM’s efficiency while retaining its formidable accuracy, various models such as MobileSAM, EdgeSAM, and EfficientSAM have been developed. Yet, these models, despite reducing computational costs, have encountered performance trade-offs. Addressing this challenge head-on, the introduction of EfficientViT-SAM leverages the EfficientViT architecture to overhaul SAM’s image encoder. This adaptation preserves SAM’s lightweight prompt encoder and mask decoder architecture, resulting in two variants: EfficientViT-SAM-L and EfficientViT-SAM-XL. These models offer a refined balance between operational speed and segmentation accuracy, trained comprehensively using the SA-1B dataset.

At the heart of this innovation lies EfficientViT, a vision transformer model tailored for high-resolution dense prediction tasks. Its distinctive multi-scale linear attention module replaces conventional softmax attention with ReLU linear attention, significantly slashing computational complexity from quadratic to linear. This efficiency boost is achieved without compromising the model’s ability to grasp and learn multi-scale features globally, a crucial advancement elucidated in the original EfficientViT publication.

The architecture of EfficientViT-SAM, especially the EfficientViT-SAM-XL variant, is meticulously crafted into five stages. Initial stages incorporate convolution blocks, while later stages integrate EfficientViT modules, culminating in a feature fusion process feeding into the SAM head, as illustrated in Figure 2. This architectural design ensures a seamless integration of multi-scale features, elevating the model’s segmentation prowess.

The training regimen of EfficientViT-SAM is both rigorous and innovative. Commencing with the distillation of SAM-ViT-H’s image embeddings into EfficientViT, the model undergoes end-to-end training on the SA-1B dataset. This phase employs a mix of box and point prompts, utilizing a blend of focal and dice loss to fine-tune the model’s performance. The training strategy, encompassing prompt selection and loss function, guarantees that EfficientViT-SAM not only learns effectively but also adapts adeptly to diverse segmentation scenarios.

EfficientViT-SAM’s superiority extends beyond theoretical realms; its empirical performance, particularly in runtime efficiency and zero-shot segmentation, is compelling. The model exhibits a remarkable acceleration of 17 to 69 times compared to SAM, boasting significant throughput advantages despite having more parameters than other acceleration endeavors.

The zero-shot segmentation prowess of EfficientViT-SAM is meticulously evaluated through extensive tests on COCO and LVIS datasets, employing both single-point and box-prompted instance segmentation. The model’s stellar performance, detailed in Tables 2 and 4, underscores its unmatched segmentation accuracy, especially with additional point prompts or ground truth bounding boxes.

Furthermore, the segmentation in the Wild benchmark serves as a testament to EfficientViT-SAM’s robustness in zero-shot segmentation across diverse datasets, with performance results. The qualitative results, showcased in Figure 3, vividly illustrate EfficientViT-SAM’s proficiency in segmenting objects of varying sizes, reaffirming its versatility and superior segmentation capabilities.


The introduction of EfficientViT-SAM marks a significant advancement in the field of image segmentation, offering a potent solution to the computational intensity bottleneck faced by previous models like SAM. Its ability to balance efficiency and accuracy, coupled with superior empirical performance, positions it as a game-changer in diverse applications such as augmented reality and data annotation. This innovation not only addresses the immediate challenges faced by practitioners but also opens up new possibilities for efficient and accurate image segmentation solutions in the market. Businesses and industries leveraging image segmentation technologies stand to benefit greatly from the efficiency and effectiveness offered by EfficientViT-SAM, driving innovation and enhancing productivity in various sectors.
