The IEC and ISO establish a joint advisory group (JAG) on AI and Sustainability to address environmental concerns and standardization needs

  • AI’s global impact extends beyond innovation, influencing sectors like healthcare, transportation, and agriculture.
  • PWC projects AI to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4% by 2030, with an economic contribution of $5.2 trillion USD and 38 million job creations.
  • Concerns arise as AI’s energy consumption escalates, comprising 2% of global electricity demand and poised to double by 2026.
  • The IEC and ISO establish a joint advisory group (JAG) on AI and Sustainability to address environmental concerns and standardization needs.
  • SC 42 Chair emphasizes the importance of international standards in developing sustainable AI solutions.
  • The recent SC 42 AI workshop underscores the significance of AI and sustainability, featuring industry experts and standardization discussions.

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The burgeoning influence of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hallmark of modern innovation, reshaping entire sectors like healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and environmental conservation. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) unveiled findings indicating AI’s potential to curtail global greenhouse gas emissions by 4% by 2030, simultaneously projecting a staggering economic contribution of up to $5.2 trillion USD and the creation of over 38 million job opportunities.

However, as AI’s prominence surges, so too does its energy consumption, prompting mounting concerns regarding its environmental footprint. The International Energy Agency (IEA) underscores the burgeoning energy demands of AI, data centers, and the cryptocurrency realm, collectively constituting about 2% of global electricity consumption, a figure poised to double by 2026. Alarmingly, IEA forecasts suggest that by 2026, AI’s energy needs may expand tenfold from its 2023 levels.

In response to these pressing concerns, the collaborative efforts of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have birthed a joint advisory group (JAG): AI and Sustainability. Drawing upon the collective expertise within the realms of AI and sustainability, the JAG embarks on a thorough examination of pertinent issues, surveying existing standards and identifying areas necessitating standardization. Their mandate extends to crafting a strategic roadmap laden with recommendations for prospective projects.

Wael William Diab, Chair of SC 42, underscores the committee’s enduring commitment to addressing societal apprehensions surrounding AI, such as ethical considerations and trustworthiness, to facilitate the responsible deployment of AI applications. “AI and sustainability loom large on the global agenda,” he affirms, stressing the imperative of mitigating AI’s environmental ramifications while harnessing its potential for sustainable development. Diab advocates for the pivotal role of international standards in surmounting these challenges, positing that leveraging collective expertise and international standards can yield tangible, sustainable solutions beneficial to AI stakeholders worldwide.


The collaborative efforts between the IEC, ISO, and SC 42 to address the environmental impact of AI through standardization and sustainable solutions signify a growing recognition of the need to balance AI innovation with environmental stewardship. This underscores a burgeoning market demand for environmentally conscious AI technologies and practices, presenting opportunities for businesses to position themselves as leaders in sustainable AI development and deployment.
