TUI Airline’s Sustainability Drive Boosted by Machine Learning Advancements


  • TUI Airline fully implements SITA OptiClimb solution to reduce emissions.
  • Success of partial deployment: Savings of 200kg fuel and 600kg CO2 per aircraft per day.
  • SITA OptiClimb uses Machine Learning to create tail-specific performance models.
  • Predicts fuel burn scenarios and offers customized climb speeds for fuel optimization.
  • TUI Group targets a 24% reduction in emissions from TUI Airline by 2030.
  • Full deployment across all five TUI Group airlines, resulting in 4,500 tons of fuel and 14,000 tons of carbon savings in 2022.

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In pursuit of its unwavering commitment to sustainability, TUI Airline has taken a monumental step forward by implementing cutting-edge Machine Learning technology. The airline giant has embraced the SITA OptiClimb solution, deploying it across all five of its airlines, marking a significant stride towards reducing airline emissions. Building upon the notable success of its partial deployment, which resulted in savings of up to 200kg of fuel and 600kg of CO2 per aircraft per day, this broader adoption of SITA’s innovative technology heralds a new era of eco-conscious aviation.

The most fuel-intensive phase of any flight is during the aircraft climb. Enter SITA OptiClimb, an ingenious predictive analytics solution that harnesses the power of Machine Learning to construct tail-specific performance models. These models are fueled by 4D weather forecasts and operational flight plan inputs, enabling them to predict various fuel burn scenarios. What sets this solution apart is its ability to furnish pilots with bespoke climb speeds and acceleration levels tailored to the characteristics of each aircraft and the specifics of each flight. The end result is optimal fuel efficiency without compromising on flight schedules.

By 2030, TUI has set ambitious emission reduction targets for its airlines, cruises, and hotels, with a goal of reducing emissions from TUI Airline by 24%,” revealed Marco Ciomperlik, Chief Airline Officer at TUI Group. “One of the strategies we’re employing to achieve this reduction is through operational enhancements that streamline flight planning and enhance fuel management. This endeavor is driven by the adoption of innovative technologies like SITA OptiClimb.”

Having undergone partial deployment across multiple TUI airlines in 2022, SITA OptiClimb has now achieved full implementation across all five airlines within the TUI Group. This esteemed group comprises TUI Airways, TUI fly Belgium, TUI fly Germany, TUI fly Netherlands, and TUI fly Nordic. The impact has been profound, with the solution delivering cumulative savings of approximately 4,500 tons of fuel and a remarkable 14,000 tons of carbon emissions in the year 2022 alone.

Yann Cabaret, CEO of SITA FOR AIRCRAFT, expressed enthusiasm for this pivotal partnership, stating, “We’re thrilled to continue our support for TUI Group’s sustainability agenda. Our aspiration is to propel the air transport industry towards a net-zero future and enhance travel efficiency through relentless innovation and groundbreaking technology.”


The adoption of SITA OptiClimb’s innovative Machine Learning technology by TUI Airline and its subsequent deployment across all five TUI Group airlines signifies a significant step towards reducing emissions in the aviation industry. This move not only enhances sustainability but also demonstrates a commitment to meeting ambitious emission reduction targets. It is a clear indication that airlines are increasingly investing in technology-driven solutions to address environmental concerns, which could potentially drive the adoption of similar technologies across the broader market.
