US Department of Commerce Launches USAISI to Spearhead AI Safety Efforts


  • The US Department of Commerce, in partnership with NIST, is launching the US Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (USAISI).
  • USAISI’s primary mission is to set AI safety and trust standards, especially for advanced AI models.
  • It will support President Biden’s executive order on AI safety.
  • USAISI aims to develop safety, security, and testing standards for AI models, as well as authentication standards for AI-generated content.
  • The institute will provide testing environments for researchers to evaluate emerging AI risks.
  • NIST will lead USAISI and collaborate with academia, industry, government, and civil society.
  • USAISI will work with international partners, including the UK’s AI Safety Institute.
  • Secretary Gina Raimondo and Under Secretary Laurie E. Locascio express their commitment to AI safety.

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In a decisive move directed by President Biden, the US Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is poised to establish the US Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (USAISI). This strategic initiative is set to take the lead in the US government’s endeavors concerning AI safety and trust, with a specific focus on the evaluation of cutting-edge AI models. This development comes on the heels of President Biden’s groundbreaking executive order issued earlier this week.

The primary mission of USAISI is to facilitate the formulation of rigorous standards encompassing safety, security, and testing protocols for AI models. Additionally, the institute will play a pivotal role in crafting standards for the authentication of AI-generated content and offer controlled testing environments for researchers to assess emerging AI risks while addressing known repercussions. NIST will spearhead the USAISI initiative, drawing upon external expertise from academia, industry, government entities, and civil society to advance the realm of AI safety.

Notably, USAISI will also collaborate with allied and partner nations, including the UK’s AI Safety Institute, to harmonize and coordinate efforts within the AI safety domain. This momentous announcement coincides with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo’s active participation in the AI Safety Summit 2023 in the UK, alongside Vice President Kamala Harris.

Secretary Gina Raimondo commented on the establishment of USAISI, stating, “Through the establishment of the US AI Safety Institute, we at the Department of Commerce will build on NIST’s long-standing tradition of developing standards to drive domestic and international technological advancements for the greater good. As President Biden takes swift action to ensure the US maintains global leadership in innovative, secure, and responsible AI, the Department of Commerce is committed to playing its pivotal role. Together, in concert with federal agencies across the government and in close cooperation with international partners and allies, we are resolute in our pursuit of fulfilling the President’s vision to effectively manage AI risks while harnessing its benefits.”

Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and NIST Director Laurie E. Locascio expressed enthusiasm, saying, “I am thrilled that NIST is undertaking this crucial role for the United States, which will build upon our extensive efforts in AI. The US AI Safety Institute will leverage the talents and expertise within NIST and the broader AI community to establish a robust foundation for dependable AI systems. It will foster collaboration among industry players, civil society, and government agencies to address AI system risks and formulate guidelines, tools, and testing environments promoting AI safety and trust.”

Secretary Raimondo’s steadfast commitment to AI safety and security was underscored earlier this year when she joined President Biden at the White House to unveil voluntary commitments from prominent American companies in this realm. Additionally, she has been instrumental in shaping the G-7 Principles and Code of Conduct, which were also announced recently. Her dedication to AI matters was further evident when she co-authored an op-ed with Secretary Blinken for the Financial Times back in July.


The establishment of USAISI signifies a significant step towards enhancing AI safety standards in the United States. It will not only bolster trust in AI but also promote collaboration among various stakeholders. This development underscores the growing importance of AI safety in the business and technology market, ensuring responsible and secure AI innovations.
