‘Vampire stars’ detonate post excessive consumption — AI could unveil the mystery behind it

  • Scientists are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to probe the reasons behind the detonation of white dwarf stars, known as Type Ia supernovas.
  • Type Ia supernovas play a crucial role in the creation of heavy elements and their dispersal throughout the universe.
  • Machine learning is employed to accelerate Type Ia supernova simulations, aiding in comprehending the explosion mechanisms.
  • The AI-driven process enables researchers to generate thousands of models within milliseconds, significantly advancing supernova research.
  • Enhanced accuracy provided by AI facilitates a better understanding of the elemental composition emitted during Type Ia supernova explosions.
  • The methodology can potentially be extended to study other supernova variants, contributing to a deeper understanding of their characteristics and their relationship with host galaxies.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is being harnessed by scientists to delve deeper into the enigma surrounding the detonation of certain deceased stellar remnants known as white dwarf stars.

These explosive occurrences, termed Type Ia supernovas, potentially play a pivotal role in the creation of heavy elements and their dispersion throughout the universe. These elements serve as the fundamental constituents for future stars, planets, and possibly life forms. The distinctive emissions associated with Type Ia supernovas are so consistent that astronomers use them as “standard candles” for gauging vast cosmic distances.

However, despite the significance of Type Ia supernovas in cosmic evolution and their utility as cosmic yardsticks, the exact mechanisms behind their eruptions remain elusive to astronomers.

When investigating supernovas, we scrutinize their spectra. Spectra depict the intensity of light across various wavelengths, influenced by the elements formed during the supernova event. Each element interacts uniquely with light, leaving behind a distinct signature on the spectra,” elucidated research lead author Mark Magee from the University of Warwick. “Deciphering these signatures aids in identifying the elements synthesized during a supernova and furnishes additional insights into the explosion mechanisms.”

Why do white dwarfs undergo cataclysmic outbursts?

In approximately 5 billion years, the sun will deplete its hydrogen fuel, essential for nuclear fusion within its core. The cessation of hydrogen fusion will lead to the cessation of outward radiation pressure, which currently counterbalances the sun’s gravitational collapse.

The sun’s core will undergo collapse, while its outer layers, where nuclear fusion persists, will expand. This metamorphosis will transform the sun into a red giant, swelling out to engulf the inner planets, including Earth, within its orbit.

This red giant phase, spanning about 1 billion years, accounts for roughly 10% of the sun’s total lifespan. During this phase, the sun’s extended outer layers will disperse and cool. Eventually, the sun will evolve into a smoldering stellar core, or white dwarf, ensconced within a planetary nebula—a cloud of gas and dust unrelated to planets. For the sun, the white dwarf phase signifies the culmination of its existence.

Similarly, other sun-like stars culminate into white dwarfs. However, if they have a binary companion, their demise may not be a fading whimper but a resounding bang.

Just as a vampire emerges from the grave to feast on innocent blood, a white dwarf, if in close proximity to a companion star or one that has swollen during its red giant phase, can commence feeding on its partner’s stellar matter.

However, the matter from the donor star cannot directly accrete onto the white dwarf’s surface due to the conservation of angular momentum. Instead, it forms a disk between the donor star and the white dwarf, comprised of material gradually funneled onto the dense stellar remnant. This accreted matter accumulates on the stellar remnant’s surface, augmenting its mass beyond the Chandrasekhar limit—1.4 times the mass of the sun—critical for triggering a supernova explosion.

The cannibalistic feeding frenzy of a white dwarf on a donor star precipitates a runaway thermonuclear explosion: a Type Ia supernova.

One of the principal distinctions between Type Ia supernovas and “core collapse” supernovas, which occur when massive stars’ cores implode to birth neutron stars or black holes, is the utter annihilation of white dwarfs in the resulting explosion.

To unravel this process, the University of Warwick team turned to machine learning. Leveraging this AI methodology, the team accelerated Type Ia supernova simulations, traditionally time-consuming endeavors demanding extensive computational resources. Typically, a single model might require between 10 and 90 minutes, the team explained.

We aim to scrutinize hundreds or thousands of models to comprehensively comprehend the supernova phenomenon. However, this is often impractical,” remarked Magee. “Our novel research deviates from this protracted process. By training machine learning algorithms on diverse explosion scenarios, we can generate models swiftly.”

He further explained that akin to how humans utilize AI to craft art or generate text, researchers can simulate supernovas. Subsequently, the team can juxtapose the outcomes derived from their AI-powered simulations with real-life observations of Type Ia supernovas.

We anticipate generating thousands of models within milliseconds, a monumental advancement for supernova research,” exclaimed Magee. “From this wealth of data, we develop models, which are juxtaposed with actual supernovas to ascertain their type and explosion mechanisms.”

However, the benefits of this approach transcend expeditiousness. The enhanced precision afforded by the AI-driven process enables researchers to delineate more accurately the array of elements synthesized during Type Ia explosions and subsequently dispersed into the cosmos.

Exploring the elemental composition emitted by supernovas is pivotal in discerning the type of explosion, as certain explosion types yield distinct elemental signatures,” highlighted Magee. “This correlation between explosion properties and host galaxy characteristics facilitates a direct linkage between the explosion mechanism and the type of white dwarf involved.”

The team now endeavors to broaden their methodology to encompass other supernova variants, including those associated with neutron star and black hole formation. This endeavor could elucidate the relationship between these supernova characteristics and the host galaxies.

With contemporary surveys, we now possess datasets of unprecedented scale and quality, empowering us to tackle fundamental queries in supernova science, particularly regarding their explosion mechanisms,” affirmed team member Thomas Killestein of the University of Turku. “Machine learning approaches like this enable comprehensive studies of numerous supernovae with heightened precision and consistency compared to conventional methodologies.”


Understanding the mechanisms behind Type Ia supernovas through AI-driven simulations not only advances scientific knowledge but also opens up opportunities for industries reliant on astrophysical data, such as space exploration, satellite communication, and cosmological research. The ability to generate accurate models swiftly enhances decision-making processes in these sectors, potentially leading to groundbreaking discoveries and technological innovations.


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