Xiao-I Corporation: Leading Responsible AI Innovation in China


  • Xiao-I Corporation introduces a powerful Large Language Model (LLM) Hua Zang.
  • Three essential AI Ethics Principles focus on trust, transparency, and safety.
  • Xiao-I prioritizes user trust, fosters transparent communication, and ensures safety in AI development.
  • Chairman and CEO, Mr. Yuan Hui, emphasizes the importance of ethical values in technology.
  • Xiao-I’s extensive experience positions them to drive positive change in the AI landscape.
  • Ethical AI practices set a new standard for responsible AI development in the industry.

Main AI News:

In a bold move to drive responsible AI innovation in China, Xiao-I Corporation (NASDAQ:AIXI) is making significant strides with the introduction of its powerful Large Language Model (LLM), Hua Zang, and the implementation of three essential AI Ethics Principles. As a leading cognitive artificial intelligence enterprise in China, Xiao-I embraces the paramount responsibility that comes with advancing AI technology and aims to prioritize user trust, transparency, and safety in all its future AI endeavors.

The Hua Zang LLM is at the forefront of Xiao-I’s expansion plans, representing a major milestone in their pursuit of excellence and innovation. However, the company’s vision goes beyond technological advancements; it is equally dedicated to upholding ethical standards that resonate with its user base.

The foundation of Xiao-I’s approach lies in three fundamental AI Ethics Principles that underpin their AI development strategy:

1. Be Worthy of Trust: Trust is the cornerstone of successful AI adoption. Xiao-I is committed to building AI systems that users can rely on with utmost confidence. Throughout the entire lifecycle of an AI system, the company instills a sense of responsibility across the value chain to ensure reliability, fairness, and tangible value delivery. By fostering trust, Xiao-I aims to establish enduring relationships with its users.

2. Be Transparent: Transparency is key to establishing open communication with users. Xiao-I is dedicated to providing clear and understandable explanations of how their AI systems work, the data they utilize, and the purposes they serve. By demystifying AI through transparency, Xiao-I aims to instill confidence in its capabilities.

3. Be Built and Tested for Safety: Safety is a paramount concern in AI development. Xiao-I employs a rigorous approach to testing and validation to ensure the secure operation of its AI systems without posing any harm to users or society at large. Adhering to stringent safety standards, Xiao-I strives to develop AI that fosters inclusive growth, sustainable development, and societal well-being.

With these principles guiding their actions, Xiao-I stands committed to harnessing AI’s potential to enhance user experiences while respecting customer data control and accountability. Protecting user data and privacy is a cornerstone of their philosophy, and they aim to lead the industry in ethical AI practices.

Chairman and CEO of Xiao-I, Mr. Yuan Hui, emphasizes the significance of ethics in technology, stating, “As we embrace the digital economy and the possibilities of AI, we recognize the importance of instilling ethical values into our technology. These AI Ethics Principles serve as a compass that guides our actions and ensures that our advancements are made responsibly and with the best interests of our users in mind.”

Backed by nearly two decades of experience in cognitive AI and industrial applications, Xiao-I stands at the forefront of positive change in the AI landscape. Through their unique combination of cutting-edge technology and ethical principles, Xiao-I empowers industries with an open-source platform and a low-cost LLM infrastructure, enriching businesses while safeguarding user interests.


Xiao-I Corporation’s introduction of the Hua Zang LLM and implementation of AI Ethics Principles demonstrate their commitment to responsible AI innovation. By prioritizing user trust, transparency, and safety, they are setting a new standard in the Chinese AI market. This move positions them as a leading player in the industry, empowering businesses with cutting-edge technology while safeguarding user interests and data privacy. Xiao-I’s dedication to ethics and innovation will likely drive positive market adoption and pave the way for a brighter, more responsible AI future in China and beyond.
