Zeki Research Unveils State of AI Talent 2024 Review


  • Zeki Research, a UK-based talent intelligence platform, releases the Zeki Horizon Report: The State of AI Talent 2024.
  • The report highlights top AI scientists and engineers globally, revealing insights on talent distribution and trends.
  • Major findings include the diversification of the top AI talent market, with new champions emerging outside the USA.
  • The healthcare sector, particularly in Europe, has witnessed a significant increase in AI talent.
  • Zeki’s Co-founder and CEO, Tom Hurd, brings valuable experience to the discourse, having led significant initiatives in intelligence analysis and homeland security.

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In a recent publication, Zeki Research, a prominent UK-based talent intelligence platform renowned for furnishing actionable insights on top-tier science and engineering talent, has launched the Zeki Horizon Report: The State of AI Talent 2024. This report, unveiled today, serves as a tribute to the leading AI scientists and engineers who are spearheading the most revolutionary technological advancements of our era.

Zeki Research’s meticulous analysis not only spotlights the standout contributors but also sheds light on the global landscape of AI talent, identifying countries that have either become hubs for attracting such talent or have started exporting their own expertise. The insights presented are meticulously crafted, relying on a richly curated dataset that encapsulates information on 140,000 premier AI scientists and engineers worldwide. These individuals exhibit advanced skills and expertise, with many still in the nascent stages of their careers.

Comprising 177 pages, each section of the report offers actionable talent intelligence paired with comprehensive data visualization. Key revelations include:

  • The diversification and deepening of the top AI talent market, with major corporations now hiring five times more top AI scientists and engineers compared to the renowned Big Five (Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft). Additionally, new AI champions are emerging beyond the borders of the USA.
  • The significant growth in top AI talent within the healthcare sector, notably in Europe, witnessing a twenty-fold increase over the past decade. This surge reflects a global trend shifting away from heavy US dominance, with national champions rising in various major economies and retaining talent domestically.
  • The defining characteristics influencing top AI talent’s decisions to either relocate abroad or remain within their home countries. These trends exhibit uniformity across the globe, often manifesting early in the careers of such individuals.

It is worth mentioning that Zeki’s co-founder and CEO, Tom Hurd, brings a wealth of experience to the table. Having served as the Head of Intelligence Analysis in the UK and subsequently helming the UK’s Homeland Security department, Hurd played a pivotal role in establishing the UK’s Joint Biosecurity Centre. This data-driven entity amalgamated data science with public health expertise, enabling swifter and more precise identification of COVID-19 outbreaks.


The release of Zeki Research’s 2024 report signifies a pivotal moment in understanding the evolving landscape of AI talent globally. The findings indicate a notable shift in talent distribution and highlight emerging hubs outside traditional tech powerhouses. For businesses, this underscores the importance of recognizing and harnessing talent from diverse geographies, particularly in sectors like healthcare that are witnessing a surge in AI expertise. Additionally, the involvement of experienced leaders like Tom Hurd emphasizes the importance of leadership and strategic initiatives in navigating the complex terrain of talent intelligence and technology development.
