How the Rise of Generative AI Could Change Online Advertising Forever


  • ChatGPT and generative AI are revolutionizing online advertising by streamlining content creation and personalization.
  • Advertisers can now create tailored messaging and visuals in a fraction of the time it used to take.
  • Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon are investing in generative AI tools for targeted advertising.
  • Challenges such as brand safety and legal issues need to be addressed for wider adoption.
  • Generative AI shows promise but still requires refinement to produce high-quality, brand-aligned content.
  • Advertisers should leverage generative AI as a starting point and focus on honing their brand messaging strategy.

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The emergence of ChatGPT, an advanced generative AI model that mimics human-like responses, has sent shockwaves through the digital marketing landscape. One industry veteran, Shane Rasnak, recognized the potential of this technology and immediately began exploring its applications. As an expert in creating online ad campaigns, Rasnak was amazed at how generative AI could streamline his work. Tasks that used to take him 30 minutes to an hour can now be completed in just 15 minutes.

However, the impact of generative AI extends far beyond time savings. Rasnak has also been experimenting with tools like Midjourney, which transforms text-based prompts into captivating visuals for Facebook ads. For someone without a graphic design background, this software is a game-changer. Paired with popular tools like Canva and Adobe’s Photoshop, it enables marketers to create personalized and visually appealing content effortlessly.

Rasnak compares the advent of generative AI to the transformative power of social media in the digital advertising industry. Just as platforms like Facebook and Twitter revolutionized targeted advertising by allowing marketers to reach consumers based on their preferences and interests, generative AI now takes personalization to a whole new level. It empowers advertisers to craft tailored messaging and visuals that resonate with their target audience, resulting in more effective campaigns.

The potential of generative AI hasn’t gone unnoticed by industry giants. Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon, the leaders in online advertising, are all betting on generative AI as a core component of their businesses. They have recently introduced products and announced plans to develop tools that facilitate the creation of messages, images, and videos for their respective platforms.

While these products are still in the trial phase and have faced some criticism for being rushed to market, experts believe that generative AI represents the next logical step in targeted online advertising. Cristina Lawrence, Executive Vice President of Consumer and Content Experience at Razorfish, a renowned digital marketing agency, states that generative AI will have a seismic impact on digital advertising.

Meta, in particular, has made significant strides in this area. They launched the AI Sandbox testing suite, enabling companies to leverage generative AI software for creating background images and experimenting with different ad copy. Meta also enhanced its Meta Advantage service, which employs machine learning to optimize ad efficiency across its social apps. This move comes in response to Apple’s iOS privacy update, which limited advertisers’ ability to track users across the internet.

As generative AI tools continue to improve, advertisers can envision a future where their campaigns are highly personalized and engaging. For instance, a bicycle company could target Facebook users in Utah with AI-generated graphics depicting people cycling through desert canyons, while users in San Francisco are shown cyclists crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. The accompanying text could be tailored based on the user’s age and interests, ensuring a customized experience.

Meta’s Advantage service has gained traction among retailers using it for automated shopping ads. According to data from Varos, an online marketing firm, approximately 2,100 companies allocated $47 million (27.5% of their monthly Meta advertising budgets) to Advantage+ in May 2023, compared to $44.9 million (26.6% of their budget) in the previous month. This upward trend demonstrates that Meta’s automated ad technology is delivering better performance for advertisers.

However, there are hurdles that must be overcome before generative AI can achieve widespread adoption in the advertising industry. One major concern is brand safety. Companies hesitate to entrust their campaigns to generative AI due to the potential biases and offensive content that the technology can inadvertently produce. AI-generated imagery has been found to reflect stereotypes, indicating the need for rigorous monitoring and control measures.

Legal issues also arise when using generative AI powered by models trained on data scraped from the internet. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Stack Overflow have started charging AI companies for access to their vast data pools. These challenges underscore the importance of responsible deployment and continuous monitoring of AI systems.

Furthermore, generative AI currently struggles to produce high-quality, long-form content that aligns with a brand’s voice and perspective. While the technology can generate generic content by pulling information from existing sources, it lacks a distinctive voice or point of view. Attempts to train AI models based on brand prompts and inputs have yet to yield significant results.

Despite these limitations, advertisers like Stacy Reed are already incorporating generative AI into their daily work. Reed uses the technology to generate variations of Facebook advertising headlines and short copy, leveraging its capabilities to track users in a privacy-conscious environment. However, she emphasizes that generative AI should serve as a starting point and not a replacement for honing a brand’s unique messaging strategy.

Currently, major ad agencies and large companies are primarily using generative AI for pilot projects while awaiting further advancements in the technology. Mint Mobile, for example, aired an ad featuring Ryan Reynolds reading a script generated by ChatGPT. While there is still room for improvement, the potential of generative AI in revolutionizing online advertising is undeniable.


The rise of generative AI in online advertising signifies a significant transformation in the digital marketing landscape. The ability to streamline content creation and personalize messaging and visuals has immense potential for advertisers. Industry leaders like Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon are investing in generative AI, but challenges related to brand safety and legal concerns must be addressed. Despite these challenges, the technology offers promising opportunities for marketers to create more impactful and tailored campaigns. Moving forward, marketers should embrace generative AI as a starting point while emphasizing the importance of honing their brand messaging strategy to maintain a distinct and engaging brand voice.
