AI Chip Wars: AMD’s Bold Move to Disrupt Nvidia’s Market Hegemony


  • Nvidia’s Q2 revenue projections surpass expectations, solidifying its market dominance.
  • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) emerges as the primary contender to challenge Nvidia’s position.
  • Independent assessments indicate AMD’s high-end chips rival about 80% of Nvidia’s performance.
  • AMD’s software capabilities have been praised, with expectations for continued improvement.
  • Both AMD and Nvidia are developing new AI chips, with promising prospects for Nvidia’s H100.
  • Citi analysts predict Nvidia will maintain a 90%+ share in AI graphics due to its superior speed and ecosystem.
  • AMD could potentially capture a 20% market share in AI chips, according to Northland Capital Markets.
  • Other players like Marvell, Amazon, Alphabet, and Intel are also venturing into the high-end AI chip market.
  • Collaboration between AMD and Microsoft sparks interest in next-gen AI chips.
  • The AI chip wars intensify, with AMD posing the most significant challenge to Nvidia’s dominance.

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Nvidia’s recent quarterly earnings report sent shockwaves through Wall Street, reshaping perceptions of the ongoing generative AI revolution. The chipmaker delivered guidance that exceeded analyst expectations by a staggering 50%.

Anticipating a seismic shift in the market, Nvidia projects a monumental $11 billion in Q2 revenue, outperforming the Street’s estimated $7.13 billion. The company’s first-quarter sales reached $7.19 billion, surpassing the anticipated $6.52 billion. In response, Bernstein analysts noted, “In our 15+ years of experience, we have never witnessed guidance as astronomical as the one NVDA recently released for FQ2. It obliterated all expectations.”

During the earnings call, Colette Kress, Nvidia’s CFO, highlighted that the demand for high-end chips has extended the company’s data center visibility for the next few quarters. To meet this demand, Nvidia has secured a significantly higher supply for the latter half of the year.

This situation has drawn comparisons to Nvidia’s “iPhone moment,” as The Tokenist describes it. With an unprecedented demand for high-end GPUs, Nvidia’s stock has surged, breaching the $1 trillion market cap threshold and placing the company among the exclusive ranks of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, and Saudi Aramco.

However, while Nvidia currently reigns supreme, a host of competitors seeks to close the gap, with Advanced Micro Devices and Intel leading the charge. Though Intel’s underperformance over the past decade limits its potential impact, AMD aims to unsettle Nvidia’s dominance.

Early estimates indicate that Nvidia commands over 80% of this lucrative market. Their unmatched offering of incredibly powerful GPUs has made them the most coveted tech product in the world. Yet, an independent third-party assessment suggests that AMD’s high-end chips possess about 80% of the performance capability of Nvidia’s counterparts.

Hanlin Tang, chief technology officer of MosaicML, an AI startup, explains that software presents a critical challenge for most chip companies in the machine learning space. AMD, however, has excelled in this area. Tang asserts, “Where AMD has truly excelled is on the software side.

MosaicML’s team of engineers predicts that the gap between AMD and Nvidia will gradually close as AMD continues to enhance its software solutions. AMD’s high-end AI GPU, the “MI250,” directly competes with Nvidia’s A100.

Both companies are actively developing new AI chips: AMD’s MI300x and Nvidia’s H100. According to MosaicML, the latter has already been shipped to initial customers, showcasing tremendous promise. While the H100 commands prices exceeding $40,000, the A100 can be acquired for approximately $36,000.

On the other hand, AMD’s MI300x is expected to offer significantly higher memory capacity and memory bandwidth than its Nvidia counterpart.

The results of MosaicML’s testing have led analysts at Citi, a Wall Street banking giant, to project that Nvidia will maintain “at least 90% share of AI graphics going forward.” This scenario, reminiscent of the Intel vs. AMD rivalry a decade ago, favors Nvidia due to its superior speed and ecosystem.

However, Northland Capital Markets analyst Gus Richard remains optimistic about AMD’s prospects, suggesting that the chipmaker could eventually capture a 20% market share in AI chips.

In addition to AMD, smaller chipmakers like Marvell have also capitalized on the robust demand for high-end AI chips. Marvell’s stock experienced a surge following the most recent earnings call, where management expressed confidence in accelerated revenue growth for the second half of the year.

Notably, tech giants Amazon and Alphabet are also making strides in developing their own AI chips. Furthermore, AMD’s collaboration with Microsoft on next-gen AI chips has garnered attention, causing AMD shares to rise.

While Microsoft is one of the few major tech companies yet to release a specialized AI chip, its ‘Athena’ project focuses on developing AI chips for training models and making inferences on new data. Microsoft emphasizes that these powerful AI models require a network of thousands of Nvidia AI-optimized GPUs linked together via high-throughput, low-latency NVIDIA Quantum InfiniBand communications for high-performance computing.

Intel, too, has plans to launch its own AI chips, with the first batch of “Falcon Shores” chips set to ship to customers in 2025. Presently, Intel holds a negligible market share in this domain. Jeff McVeigh, corporate vice president of Intel’s super compute group, acknowledges the challenges of excelling in both CPU and GPU performance simultaneously. He believes that discrete offerings, allowing users to choose the best combination of both components and vendors at the platform level, will prevail.

Despite the efforts of various companies to develop new, faster, and high-end AI chips, only AMD seems poised to pose a meaningful challenge to Nvidia’s dominance in the near term. As the AI chip wars intensify, the industry eagerly awaits the outcome of this high-stakes battle for market supremacy.


Nvidia’s exceptional earnings report solidifies its position as the market leader in AI chips. However, AMD’s entry into the high-end GPU market presents a formidable challenge. With its high-performance chips and emphasis on software capabilities, AMD has the potential to gradually close the gap. While Nvidia is expected to maintain a significant advantage due to its superior speed and ecosystem, AMD could capture a notable market share. The involvement of other major players like Marvell, Amazon, Alphabet, and Intel further intensifies the competition. The ongoing AI chip wars will reshape the market landscape, and industry stakeholders eagerly await the outcome of this battle for market supremacy.
