New ML Benchmarks Unveil Top-performing Algorithms for Chatbot Training


  • MLCommons unveils results of MLPerf 3.0, a benchmark for training algorithms used in chatbot development.
  • Performance gains of up to 1.54x compared to six months ago and between 33x and 49x compared to 2018.
  • MLPerf 3.0 includes testing for large language models (LLM) like GPT-3 used in ChatGPT.
  • 250 performance results from 16 vendors’ hardware, including Intel, Lenovo, and Microsoft Azure.
  • AMD was absent from the test, while Intel opted to test its Gaudi 2 dedicated AI processor.
  • Nvidia achieved a training time of 10.94 minutes with a cluster of H100 GPUs, while Habana Labs took 311.945 minutes with 384 Gaudi2 chips.

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In the fast-paced world of AI, machine learning algorithms are constantly evolving to enhance the training process for chatbots. MLCommons, an organization dedicated to developing benchmarks for AI technology, has recently disclosed the outcomes of a comprehensive test designed to assess the efficiency of training algorithms used specifically for chatbot creation, such as the renowned ChatGPT.

Known as MLPerf 3.0, this cutting-edge benchmark aims to establish a set of industry-standard performance metrics for evaluating the training of ML models. Training a model can be an arduous undertaking, often stretching for weeks or even months, particularly when dealing with large datasets. This process incurs substantial power consumption, rendering training an expensive affair.

The MLPerf Training benchmark suite consists of an exhaustive series of tests that put machine-learning models, software, and hardware through their paces across a wide array of applications. The latest iteration, Training version 3.0, has introduced testing specifically tailored for training large language models (LLM), with a primary focus on GPT-3, the LLM powering ChatGPT. This marks a significant milestone as it is the first time such testing has been incorporated into the benchmark.

The results of the test are truly remarkable. Performance gains of up to 1.54x have been achieved compared to a mere six months ago, and an astounding improvement of between 33x and 49x when compared to the initial round conducted in 2018.

In total, the test generated an impressive pool of 250 performance results, encompassing hardware from 16 leading vendors, including industry giants such as Intel, Lenovo, and Microsoft Azure. However, one noticeable absence was AMD, a prominent player in the AI accelerator space with its highly competitive Instinct line. At the time of publication, AMD had not responded to inquiries regarding its non-participation.

Another noteworthy observation is that Intel chose not to submit its Xeon or GPU Max for evaluation, opting instead to test its Gaudi 2 dedicated AI processor developed by Habana Labs. According to Intel, Gaudi 2 was the preferred choice due to its purpose-built design, which prioritizes high performance, efficiency, and deep learning capabilities. Notably, it excels in managing generative AI and large language models, including GPT-3.

Nvidia, leveraging a cluster comprising 3,584 H100 GPUs developed in collaboration with AI cloud startup CoreWeave, achieved an impressive training time of 10.94 minutes. On the other hand, Habana Labs, employing a relatively smaller system equipped with 384 Gaudi2 chips, recorded a training time of 311.945 minutes. The ensuing question arises: which option is more cost-effective when considering both acquisition and operational expenses? Regrettably, MLCommons did not delve into this aspect.

The accelerated benchmarks not only attest to the continual progress in silicon technology but also highlight the strides made in algorithm and software optimizations. These optimized models significantly expedite model development for researchers and practitioners alike. By scrutinizing the benchmark results, developers and organizations can make informed decisions based on configuration and price considerations, ensuring that the performance aligns with their specific application requirements.


The latest ML benchmarks demonstrate significant progress in ML training algorithms for chatbot creation. With notable performance gains and optimizations in both hardware and software, developers can expect faster and more efficient training processes. These advancements open up opportunities for the market, enabling organizations to deploy chatbots with improved capabilities, ultimately enhancing customer experiences and driving innovation in various industries.
