Preamble Collaborates with NVIDIA Inception to Enhance AI Safety Solutions for Enterprises


  • Preamble, a tech startup, joins NVIDIA Inception to advance AI safety systems.
  • Preamble pioneers SaaS-based solutions for ethical AI platforms.
  • The collaboration aims to address imminent AI safety, security, and inclusivity concerns.
  • Preamble offers tools to red-team AI systems and enhance business guardrails.
  • Customers can create customized policies via Preamble’s policy library and seamless integration.
  • NVIDIA Inception offers support, technology collaboration, and growth tools to startups.
  • The partnership enables Preamble to harness NVIDIA’s GPUs for creating a robust AI safety layer.
  • Preamble’s CEO anticipates enhanced capabilities and a safer, more inclusive AI future.

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In a groundbreaking move, Preamble, Inc., an innovative tech startup, has solidified its affiliation with the esteemed NVIDIA Inception initiative. This strategic partnership reflects Preamble’s commitment to spearheading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions that embed safety protocols and ethical frameworks into AI ecosystems. By embarking on this collaborative journey, Preamble is positioning itself as a trailblazer among the approximately 15,000 AI startups operating within the United States.

Of this vast sea of startups, Preamble stands out as a vanguard, singularly dedicated to constructing a comprehensive platform designed to confront the looming specters of AI safety, cybersecurity, and inclusivity concerns. Far beyond the mere integration of ethical values into AI constructs, Preamble sets itself apart by bestowing the tools necessary to scrutinize AI systems through rigorous red-teaming, thereby bolstering the very barricades that enterprises demand protection. Through a meticulously curated policy library, painstaking testing, and an effortless mesh with existing workflows, clients are empowered to devise tailored policies that seamlessly align with their objectives. This groundbreaking approach ensures a sphere of influence over every interaction within their AI setups, culminating in a drastic curtailment of their exposure to risks.

The symbiotic association with NVIDIA Inception catapults Preamble into an orbit of collaborative brilliance, wherein it can engage with preeminent thought leaders and other AI-driven entities. This strategic bond facilitates invaluable go-to-market support and synergistic technological innovation, propelling Preamble to the forefront of AI pioneers.

We are poised to leverage the computational might of NVIDIA’s GPUs in tandem with their unparalleled development acumen. This union holds the promise of crafting an impregnable safety stratum, one that is inherently customizable to cater to our diverse clientele,” enthused Dr. Jeremy McHugh, the erudite CEO and co-founder of Preamble. He further added, “Our mission to shape an AI future that is not only secure but also marked by inclusivity is substantially fortified through this alliance.”


Preamble’s partnership with NVIDIA Inception signifies a significant step towards fortifying AI safety measures. By uniting expertise, resources, and innovation, this collaboration is poised to impact the market by elevating the standards of AI security and ethics. As AI technologies continue to shape industries, Preamble’s focus on safety and customization aligns with the evolving demands of enterprises, ensuring a more secure and inclusive AI landscape.
