Transforming Business Automation: Kognitos Unleashes Self-Service Generative AI


  • Kognitos introduces self-service generative AI for business process automation (BPA).
  • Generative AI redefines BPA, addressing limitations of previous technologies like RPA.
  • Kognitos’ platform employs natural language to define and enable BPA strategies.
  • Self-Service Generative AI empowers business users to seamlessly implement automation.
  • The Human Language Interpreter enhances AI’s comprehension of user intent.
  • Natural language interfacing overcomes replay-based automation’s challenges.
  • Kognitos aims to extend its transformative capabilities to a broader business audience.

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In the realm of business process automation (BPA), a profound transformation is underway, driven by the emergence of generative AI. Pioneering this shift is Kognitos, an innovative AI startup that’s propelling BPA into a new self-service era.

Kognitos has proudly introduced a groundbreaking self-service paradigm, unleashing the potential of generative AI for business process automation across diverse organizations. By harnessing the capabilities of natural human language, Kognitos has developed a platform that empowers enterprises to define and enact BPA strategies. This visionary approach was unveiled at the prestigious VB Transform event last month.

Dubbed “Self-Service Generative AI for Centers of Excellence and Finance Organizations,” Kognitos’ latest offering represents an expansion of their existing platform. Notably, this marks the inaugural introduction of self-service capabilities by the AI trailblazer, signifying a significant stride towards facilitating business users in implementing automation seamlessly.

Over the last decade, business automation’s progress was notably driven by robotic process automation (RPA) technology. However, Kognitos identifies a critical gap in RPA’s ability to address a wide spectrum of automation challenges within large enterprises.

Kognitos’ Founder and CEO, Binny Gill, emphasized their distinctive approach, stating, “Our mission is to harness the power of generative AI to confront these challenges head-on, delivering the true potential that RPA was meant to unlock in business processes.” In an exclusive interview with VentureBeat, Gill elaborated on their vision.

Historically, Kognitos provided hands-on assistance to their clients’ initial automation endeavors. Their new offering’s core concept revolves around providing a smooth onboarding experience to automation, empowering business users to independently orchestrate operations.

Gill explained that some organizations previously established Centers of Excellence to facilitate RPA integration. However, Kognitos’ novel offering seeks to bridge the gap with these internal centers by enabling them to leverage generative AI to construct and deploy business process automation functionalities.

Under the self-service model, business users can seamlessly leverage Kognitos’ capabilities to extract and integrate data from sources like invoices or purchase orders, thereby integrating it into broader business processes.

Unlike previous methodologies, which often involved replaying recorded actions as a means of automation, Kognitos introduces a transformative shift. With natural language interfacing, users can articulate their intentions clearly, a more robust and scalable approach compared to rigid replays that can break as interfaces evolve over time.

Moreover, Kognitos recognizes the limitations of replay-based automation when dealing with complex branching logic. This intricate decision-making framework, common in modern software interfaces, often stymies traditional replay methodologies. Generative AI powered by natural language not only overcomes these limitations but also navigates modern software intricacies with ease.

Kognitos’ innovative approach extends beyond user interfaces. Gill observed that traditional automation often struggles with managing application programming interfaces (APIs) comprehensively. The act of recording API interactions through clicks and actions doesn’t capture the nuanced functionality inherent in APIs.

Gill’s insightful analysis further highlights RPA’s challenges, which frequently necessitate specialized skills and custom programming for full implementation. Kognitos’ unique solution integrates natural language, particularly the Human Language Interpreter, recently upgraded to version 2.0 in tandem with the self-service launch.

Operating on the principles of natural language processing (NLP), the Human Language Interpreter transcends conventional NLP capabilities. A pivotal aspect of its efficacy is understanding the contextual nuances of a given statement and deciphering user intent accurately. By constructing a knowledge graph of the surrounding context, the interpreter enhances its comprehension of prompts. Should ambiguity persist, the system deftly engages users with follow-up questions to clarify intent.

Exception handling and issue resolution during processes receive a significant boost from the Human Language Interpreter. Gill emphasized a user-centric approach, enabling efficient issue resolution without involving IT experts. Kognitos’ commitment to user empowerment extends to providing insights into issue causes and guiding users through remediation steps.

While initially targeted at Centers of Excellence and finance functions, Kognitos harbors ambitions for broader accessibility. Gill’s ultimate vision encapsulates the aspiration to empower a billion business users with this transformative capability.


The emergence of Kognitos’ self-service generative AI marks a pivotal turning point in the realm of business process automation. By harnessing the power of natural language and generative AI, Kognitos has bridged the gap between user intent and technology execution, revolutionizing the way automation is implemented. This transformative leap holds significant promise for the market, as it not only streamlines automation for existing Centers of Excellence but also opens doors to a wider audience of business users. As enterprises embrace this innovation, they stand to gain increased operational efficiency, agility, and a competitive edge in an increasingly automated business landscape.
