OpenAI forms a dedicated preparedness team to address “catastrophic risks” posed by AI


  • OpenAI forms a specialized preparedness team to address “catastrophic risks” linked to AI.
  • The team’s responsibilities include tracking, evaluating, forecasting, and protecting against AI-induced crises.
  • Risks covered encompass nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological threats and AI’s autonomous replication.
  • Additional concerns involve AI’s potential to deceive humans and cybersecurity threats.
  • OpenAI acknowledges the dual nature of frontier AI models, offering great potential but also escalating risks.
  • Aleksander Madry leads the preparedness team with a focus on developing a “risk-informed development policy.”
  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman emphasizes the gravity of AI-related risks and the need for global prioritization.

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In a bold move, OpenAI has initiated a strategic endeavor aimed at addressing the daunting challenge of mitigating “catastrophic risks” associated with artificial intelligence (AI). This resolute undertaking, as outlined in their recent announcement, entails the establishment of a specialized preparedness team. This team’s mission is to diligently track, evaluate, forecast, and shield against potential AI-induced crises, encompassing not only the specter of nuclear threats but also the broader realms of chemical, biological, and radiological hazards.

Moreover, the team is entrusted with safeguarding against the unsettling notion of “autonomous replication,” wherein AI systems could autonomously replicate themselves, raising concerns about their proliferation. Alongside these pressing concerns, the preparedness team is poised to confront the multifaceted challenges posed by AI, including its capacity to deceive humans and the ever-looming specter of cybersecurity breaches.

In its announcement, OpenAI underscores the dual nature of frontier AI models. While they hold the promise to substantially benefit humanity, these innovations carry increasingly severe risks that must not be ignored. OpenAI’s proactive stance underscores its commitment to the responsible development and deployment of AI technology.

Heading this pivotal initiative is Aleksander Madry, who is currently on leave from his role as the director of MIT’s Center for Deployable Machine Learning. Madry brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, making him a fitting leader to spearhead the preparedness team’s efforts.

Crucially, OpenAI emphasizes that the preparedness team will formulate and uphold a meticulous “risk-informed development policy.” This policy will serve as a comprehensive guide outlining the company’s measures to assess, scrutinize, and monitor AI models throughout their lifecycle.

OpenAI’s visionary CEO, Sam Altman, has been a vocal advocate for recognizing the gravity of AI-related risks. In a statement earlier this year, Altman, alongside prominent AI researchers, articulated the urgent need to prioritize efforts to “mitigate the risk of extinction from AI” on a global scale. During a high-profile interview in London, Altman further urged governments to accord AI the same level of seriousness and attention as they do to nuclear weapons.


OpenAI’s proactive approach to forming a preparedness team reflects the growing recognition of AI’s dual nature—offering immense benefits and presenting severe risks. By addressing these risks head-on, OpenAI sets a precedent for responsible AI development. This initiative signifies a crucial step toward ensuring the stability and ethical deployment of AI technology in the market, fostering trust among stakeholders and the broader business community.
