Seattle Biotech Hub Advances “DNA Typewriter” Tech with $75M Investment (Video)


  • Seattle’s biotech sector secures $75 million funding for research on “DNA typewriters.”
  • Collaboration between the University of Washington, Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, and Allen Institute.
  • The Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology aims to bridge academia and commercial development.
  • DNA-based technology records biological data over time, offering transformative potential.
  • Researchers leverage DNA’s digital properties to create a recording mechanism for cells.
  • The project fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and AI integration in biology.
  • Medium-term goals include “recorder cells and recorder mice” with self-recording capabilities.

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In a groundbreaking move poised to reshape the landscape of biological research, a Seattle-based biotech organization is set to receive a substantial $75 million injection of funding. This financial backing will fuel pioneering research into “DNA typewriters,” a revolutionary concept involving self-monitoring cells that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of biology. Spearheaded by a collaborative effort between the University of Washington, the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, and the Allen Institute, this initiative has already commenced its transformative journey.

Termed the “Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology,” this joint venture seeks to synergize the considerable expertise of two well-established research powerhouses with that of UW Medicine. The project’s scientific lead, Jay Shendure of UW, envisions it as “a new model of collaboration,” blending intellectual academia with commercial development focus. The initial $75 million investment will sustain the organization for a five-year period, with the possibility of renewal on the horizon.

Shendure emphasizes that there exists no rigid roadmap, nor does the project guarantee the creation of a billion-dollar enterprise. He stated in an interview, “What we’re endeavoring to do is by no means guaranteed to succeed—and it wouldn’t be as exciting if it was. But we see a plausible path, and I hope at the end of five years, we’re not the only ones using this technology.”

The essence of this technology conceptually resembles a “smartwatch for cells.” However, it is essential not to misconstrue this as a red blood cell adorned with an Apple Watch. Rather, envision it as a cell maintaining a journal.

Shendure elucidated, “Biology happens out of sight and over time. Think about how we measure things in biological systems in general. With microscopy or even your naked eye, you’re looking at the system, but you’re limited in what you can see. Even if we break open the tissue, we can measure the genome and the proteome, but we’re looking at a particular moment in time. If we want to look at all the things a cell experiences over time, that’s something we can’t see.”

Several methods have been explored for single-cell monitoring in research, often involving invasive techniques like taking the cell out of the system or using microelectrodes to pierce its walls. Intriguingly, cells inherently possess a recording mechanism in the form of DNA. Recent research has demonstrated the feasibility of using DNA and its microbiological architecture as a storage medium for arbitrary information.

Shendure explained, “The genome is essentially a digital entity, with A, G, T, C instead of 1 and 0. That’s useful in that we can write to it in a matter very analogous to a typewriter, and we can leverage this in principle to record information over time.”

Although the technology remains in its early stages, its potential is undeniable. As Shendure described it, “The first version was kind of like a monkey at a typewriter, punching keys randomly. Now, we can make certain keys biologically conditional. And maybe the monkey knows four letters right now, but in principle, that vocabulary could be a thousand.”

Despite the “in principle” nature of the endeavor, early successes suggest that this is a matter of rigorous research and engineering, rather than mere wishful thinking. Even if a cell can only “type” when specific conditions occur, such as heightened levels of particular molecules or shortages of others, it could still prove to be a transformative tool for biology at large.

One significant advantage of using DNA is the reliability ingrained in its design, having evolved and been tested in the natural world for several billion years. As Shendure pointed out, “The beauty of doing it with DNA is not only that we have something to write to, but the records you write are faithfully transmitted to the next generation of cells. And the actual devices, sensors, writers, all the components we need for our system can also be reproduced in the DNA, and the cell will build them for us.”

This project also serves as a compelling case study for a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary collaboration. The Allen group of research organizations, the University of Washington, and numerous projects supported by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative all share a common goal: gaining deeper insights into biology through digital tools like AI, large-scale data analysis, and computational techniques.

The collaboration has already led to increased interaction among scientists and engineers in Seattle, a burgeoning hub for biotech and AI research. A more formal collaborative space is soon to be established.

While the technology has a long journey ahead, it is not without realistic medium-term goals. Two notable objectives include the development of “recorder cells and recorder mice”—biological systems capable of self-recording, a significant challenge in itself. The data generated by these systems, along with the feedback mechanism informing protein design and cellular or system-level activity, presents an area where AI can play a pivotal role. As one founder of a biotech startup aptly put it, this technology resembles “an alien programming language” that language models are surprisingly adept at deciphering. (UW’s Baker Lab, incidentally, is a leading authority on protein design and will collaborate with the new hub.)


The substantial investment in “DNA typewriter” technology by the Seattle Biotech Hub represents a significant leap forward in synthetic biology and digital innovation. This collaborative effort holds the potential to revolutionize the biology field, offering novel insights and practical applications. As biotech and AI converge in Seattle, this endeavor signals a promising future for the market, with potential applications across various industries and scientific domains.
