Sentinels by AI Guys: A Game-Changer for the Legal Industry


  • AI Guys introduces Sentinels, AI agents revolutionizing the legal industry.
  • Sentinels offer elite legal expertise on a monthly subscription basis.
  • Annie, an AI legal assistant, handles a wide range of legal tasks with exceptional efficiency.
  • Flexible deployment options and transparent pricing are key advantages.
  • Sentinels are available in English-speaking jurisdictions and will expand in 2024.
  • This innovation empowers smaller firms, challenging the dominance of “big law.”

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AI Guys introduces Sentinels, a formidable battalion of artificial intelligence agents poised to reshape the legal industry. These virtual legal experts bring forth an unprecedented level of expertise, once the exclusive domain of prominent law firms, and make it accessible to firms of all sizes through affordable monthly subscriptions.

Traditional law firms are burdened by outdated operational models and soaring costs,” asserts Stephen Soos, Founder and CEO of AI Guys. “Sentinels are set to completely disrupt this entrenched landscape.”

Leading the charge is Annie, an AI-empowered legal assistant, ready for deployment. Annie possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of the legal domain and executes tasks with remarkable efficiency. Her capabilities include contract review, deadline management, research and discovery, legal counsel, and the ability to handle the workload of an entire support team.

Annie’s arsenal boasts an impressive 50 skill sets upon launch, with an additional 150 specialized skills currently in development. Law firms can now assemble a customized, on-demand task force for each project, with the flexibility to scale down when the work is completed – all without the constraints of long-term contracts or HR complexities. Excellence is now offered as a service, with complete transparency and an exceptionally low monthly cost.

Sentinels are accessible in English-speaking jurisdictions, with plans for additional language models slated for release in 2024.

This marks a monumental shift in power dynamics. The era of “big law” relying on prestige and legacy is coming to an end. Small firms armed with Sentinels can achieve feats in mere hours that once required days of labor in opulent and expensive offices. This newfound competitive edge presents an unparalleled opportunity for innovative disruptors.

Stephen Soos elaborates, “The impact of this innovation rivals the significance of the invention of the printing press. Sentinels render physical office spaces and oversized teams obsolete. We condense immense legal firepower and deliver it seamlessly through any WiFi signal, empowering agile firms to lead the way.”

AI Guys’ platform-agnostic battalion is just the initial phase of its mission to bolster every facet of the legal profession, from legal assistants to contract drafters, business development managers, and forensic investigators. As the brightest minds in the legal realm align with the AI movement, progress accelerates at an unprecedented pace.

With Sentinels guarding the gates, a new era has dawned. Legal entities face a critical choice between embracing these advancements or risking obsolescence. The tides of power are shifting rapidly, and the time to enlist the capabilities of artificial intelligence is indisputably now.

The future of law is at hand, and it begins with AI paving the way for groundbreaking legislation.


AI Guys’ Sentinels herald a transformative shift in the legal industry, offering affordable access to elite legal expertise. This innovation empowers firms of all sizes, posing a significant challenge to traditional law firms. Legal entities must adapt to this change or risk being left behind in an evolving market.
