Sinque Technology: Revolutionizing Weight Loss with AI-Powered Innovation


  • EW2Health introduces Sinque™, a groundbreaking behavioral analytics and monitoring solution for weight loss at CES 2024.
  • Sinque benefits weight loss professionals, corporate wellness programs, health insurers, and preventive medicine.
  • It uses predictive behavioral analytics to determine a user’s ‘true’ weight trend, enabling personalized care.
  • Patients track progress via the Sinque app and a numberless monitor, reducing dropout rates and improving results.
  • Sinque enhances customer lifetime value, reduces management time, and increases program efficiency.
  • Trial results showcase a 25% reduction in BMI, 10% weight loss, and an 89% retention rate in a workplace wellness pilot program.
  • Combined with new obesity drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro, Sinque represents a game-changer in long-term weight loss outcomes.

Main AI News:

EW2Health (Easy Way to Health), a pioneering technology firm dedicated to delivering cutting-edge, data-driven solutions for health professionals, is set to unveil its revolutionary Sinque™ technology at CES 2024. Sinque, a patented behavioral analytics and monitoring solution designed for weight loss, will take the spotlight at the NL Tech Pavilion in Eureka Park, Unlocking the Power of Sinque

Sinque is poised to revolutionize weight loss management for a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including weight loss professionals, corporate wellness programs, health insurers, preventive medicine practitioners, and health trailblazers. This game-changing patented algorithm employs predictive behavioral analytics to decipher a user’s weight fluctuation patterns, unveiling their ‘true’ weight trend. Through the Sinque technology dashboard, health professionals gain invaluable insights into individual and group metrics, enabling them to assess adherence, weight trends, and weight loss outcomes with precision. This real-time data empowers professionals to identify those on track and those requiring additional attention, bridging the gaps between appointments. For the first time, healthcare providers can offer genuinely personalized care by tailoring support to individual needs, all grounded in data-driven insights.

Patients who benefit from health professionals utilizing Sinque have access to the Sinque mobile app and a numberless monitor, putting an end to the frustration of daily weight fluctuations. The synergy of these Sinque tools creates a more successful and sustainable weight loss journey. Sinque trials have demonstrated that when AI-driven data supplements the monitoring experience for health professionals, dropout rates decrease significantly, results improve, and the time spent managing patients’ weight loss journeys is greatly reduced.

Dr. Renato Romani, CTO, and Founder of EW2Health, emphasized, “Daily weight fluctuations of up to 6.6 pounds (3 kilos) are a natural occurrence influenced by factors such as hydration, medication, time of day, and many others. Misinterpreting these fluctuations is a primary reason for the high attrition rates plaguing weight loss programs, with up to 80% of participants dropping out prematurely. In contrast, Sinque empowers users with their precise weight trend, offers proactive support from their healthcare provider, and fuels their motivation to stay the course.”

Key Advantages of Sinque:

  1. Stress-free, numberless monitoring that motivates adherence.
  2. Data-driven, proactive, personalized support, even between appointments.
  3. Enhanced Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), reduced management time, and increased program efficiency.

J’Amy Stewart, CEO, and Co-founder of EW2Health, added, “Our trial results are nothing short of groundbreaking. In a recent six-month workplace wellness pilot program with the largest corporation in South America, 25% of participants witnessed a reduction in their BMI, 10% achieved a weight loss of ≥10% of their body weight, and the program boasted an astounding 89% retention rate — surpassing the industry average by over fourfold. This represents a monumental shift in achieving long-term weight loss results, especially when combined with the advent of innovative obesity drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro.”


Sinque Technology’s introduction signals a transformative shift in the weight loss market. Its predictive analytics and personalized support are poised to reduce attrition rates and enhance results, providing health professionals with a powerful tool to offer truly customized care. With the potential to work in tandem with innovative obesity drugs, Sinque represents a promising solution for achieving long-term weight loss success and improving the health and well-being of individuals and organizations alike.
