Meta’s AI integration led to a 32% increase in ad campaign ROI


  • Meta’s integration of AI into ad campaigns resulted in a 32% increase in return on spending.
  • AI-driven ads reduced the cost of acquisition by about 17%.
  • Meta’s AI tools streamlined campaign creation to a single click.
  • The company introduced generative AI tools for rapid content creation and ad performance prediction.
  • Meta aims to enhance campaign performance amid privacy changes by leveraging AI.

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Meta Platforms Inc. continues to make waves in the advertising world, and their latest revelation is nothing short of astounding. According to Nicola Mendelsohn, the global business group head at Meta, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into their ad campaigns has led to an impressive 32% increase in return on spending. In an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Television during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mendelsohn shed light on the remarkable impact of AI-driven advertising strategies.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Mendelsohn also highlighted how AI has slashed the cost of acquisition by approximately 17%. This cost-efficiency is a testament to the transformative power of AI in optimizing advertising campaigns.

Perhaps one of the most revolutionary aspects of Meta’s AI tools is their ability to streamline campaign creation. In the past, setting up a campaign involved a complex and time-consuming process, often requiring 15 to 30 intricate steps. However, with Meta’s AI, advertisers can achieve the same results with just a single click. This efficiency not only saves time but also empowers businesses to respond quickly to market dynamics and consumer preferences.

Meta’s forward-thinking approach extends beyond ROI and cost savings. Last year, the company introduced cutting-edge generative AI tools for advertisers. These tools empower businesses to create compelling images and text rapidly while predicting the performance of ads. This strategic move is part of Meta’s broader initiative to enhance campaign performance and compensate for the loss of targeting data resulting from privacy changes at Apple Inc.


Meta’s adoption of AI in advertising is a significant game-changer. The substantial increase in ROI and cost savings, coupled with the streamlined campaign creation process, demonstrates the immense potential of AI in the marketing landscape. As businesses seek more efficient and data-driven advertising solutions, Meta’s advancements position them as a frontrunner in the market, with the potential to shape the future of advertising.
