DeepSeek-Coder Series: Elevating Open-Source Code Models in Code Intelligence


  • Large language models (LLMs) have transformed software development, enhancing automation in coding tasks.
  • Disparity exists between open-source and closed-source code models, limiting accessibility and innovation.
  • DeepSeek-Coder series, with 1.3B to 33B parameters, addresses this gap with innovative training methods.
  • Novel ‘fill-in-the-middle’ training approach and extended context window enhance code completion.
  • DeepSeek-Coder models outperform open-source counterparts and rival closed-source models.
  • This development signifies a leap forward in the democratization of advanced coding tools.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the integration of large language models (LLMs) has ushered in a new era, particularly in the realm of code intelligence. These sophisticated models have played a pivotal role in automating various facets of programming, from bug identification to code generation, fundamentally reshaping how coding tasks are approached and executed. Their impact is far-reaching, offering the promise of heightened productivity and a reduced incidence of errors that often plague manual coding processes.

Nonetheless, a formidable challenge has loomed large in this domain – the disparity between open-source, proprietary, and closed-source code models. While the latter have exhibited impressive performance, their limited accessibility has impeded widespread research and application, resulting in a noticeable performance gap that requires urgent attention. This chasm has posed a barrier to the democratization of advanced coding tools, stifling the potential for widespread innovation and application across diverse coding scenarios.

Historically, code models have been trained primarily at the file level, failing to account for the intricate interdependencies that exist between various files within a programming project. This oversight has often rendered these models less effective in practical applications, as real-world coding projects typically entail complex relationships between numerous files. Recognizing this limitation is pivotal in the development of models that are not only theoretically proficient but also eminently practical.

Enter the DeepSeek-Coder series, a collaborative endeavor between the research team at DeepSeek-AI and Peking University. This groundbreaking range of open-source code models spans from 1.3 billion to a staggering 33 billion parameters. What sets them apart is their unique training methodology, built from the ground up on an expansive corpus encompassing 87 programming languages. This development represents a monumental leap towards bridging the existing gap and elevating the functionality of open-source models in the field of code intelligence.

The methodological approach employed by DeepSeek-Coder is a hallmark of innovation. These models embrace a novel ‘fill-in-the-middle’ training technique and possess an extended context window capability. This strategic approach empowers the models to tackle intricate and lengthier code sequences, significantly amplifying their prowess in code completion. Moreover, it equips them with remarkable versatility, enabling their effective application in complex coding scenarios characterized by multiple files and extended contexts. This methodological innovation is a defining feature that sets DeepSeek-Coder apart from conventional models.

The performance exhibited by the DeepSeek-Coder models is nothing short of exceptional, firmly establishing their dominance in the open-source domain. In particular, the DeepSeek-Coder-Base 33 billion model consistently outperforms its open-source counterparts across a spectrum of benchmarks. Furthermore, the DeepSeek-Coder-Instruct 33 billion variant delivers remarkable results in code-related tasks, surpassing even some of the leading closed-source models, including OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo. These results stand as a testament to the effectiveness of the innovative training and design approach that underpins the DeepSeek-Coder series.


The introduction of the DeepSeek-Coder series signifies a significant shift in the landscape of code intelligence. By bridging the accessibility gap between open-source and closed-source code models, these innovative models promise to unlock new possibilities for the market. Their exceptional performance and versatility position them as formidable contenders in the field, heralding a new era of enhanced productivity and innovation in software development.
