Zety Study Reveals 71% of US Workers Harnessing AI in Professional Realm

  • Zety’s report reveals that 71% of workers are utilizing AI in their professional roles, with 25% already experiencing job loss due to AI integration.
  • Among 1,150 participants surveyed across the US, a significant portion is actively engaging with AI both at work and for personal use.
  • Concerns regarding job security amidst AI integration are palpable, with 89% expressing fears of job loss to AI, especially among younger workers.
  • Despite the apprehensions, there’s a strong eagerness among respondents to develop AI skills, with 95% seeking training opportunities.
  • The report highlights a generational gap in susceptibility to AI-induced job displacement, with younger workers facing higher risks.
  • The majority of respondents began using AI tools in 2023, signaling a rapid adoption rate in recent years.

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Zety, a prominent service specializing in career advancement and resume optimization, has unveiled insights from its recent AI in the Workplace Report, underscoring the pervasive integration of AI into the contemporary workforce. A staggering 71% of respondents have already embraced AI technologies within their professional domains, marking a significant milestone in the era of technological advancement. Furthermore, the report highlights a sobering reality: 25% of participants have faced the harsh repercussions of AI integration, experiencing job displacement firsthand.

Conducted among 1,150 individuals across the United States, the AI in the Workplace Report paints a vivid picture of the prevalence of AI utilization in various occupational settings. Remarkably, the adoption rates soar even higher when considering personal usage alongside professional applications.

  • 23% adeptly utilize AI both in professional capacities and personal endeavors.
  • 48% actively leverage AI tools, such as ChatGPT, within their work environments.
  • 28% exclusively engage with AI for personal purposes.
  • Merely 1% of surveyed individuals abstain from utilizing AI altogether.

Unveiling the Paradox: Rising AI Utilization Amidst Mounting Apprehensions

Parallel to the burgeoning adoption of AI, concerns regarding job security in the face of technological disruption loom large. Among the 89% of respondents harboring apprehensions about job displacement due to AI, a distressing quarter have already encountered this grim reality firsthand within their workplaces.

Dominika Kowalska, a seasoned career expert at Zety, remarks, “The specter of job displacement amidst the integration of AI into daily corporate operations has sparked widespread discourse and apprehension among the workforce.” She adds, “The swift proliferation of AI represents a paradigm shift, and it’s disconcerting to witness a substantial segment of survey respondents grappling with the dire consequences of technological displacement—being supplanted by automation and compelled to seek alternative employment.”

Analysis of the survey data underscores a stark generational divide in susceptibility to AI-induced job displacement.

  • 43% of individuals aged 25 or younger acknowledge experiencing job loss attributable to AI.
  • 27% of respondents aged 26-40 have encountered similar predicaments.
  • 19% of individuals above the age of 41 have reported instances of job displacement due to AI.

Race to Embrace Technological Proficiency: A Prerequisite for Professional Relevance

Despite the nascent stage of AI integration in the workforce, the survey findings underscore a resounding eagerness among participants to cultivate and enhance their proficiency in AI technologies.

  • Merely 5% of respondents have been harnessing AI tools since 2021.
  • 8% commenced their AI journey in 2022.
  • A majority (60%) embarked on their AI endeavors in 2023.
  • 26% initiated their foray into AI only in 2024.
  • A negligible 1% of respondents remain uninitiated in AI usage.

While most participants possess limited experience with AI tools, the survey illuminates a proactive stance among employees in seeking training opportunities to bolster their technical acumen and remain abreast of emerging trends. A staggering 95% of respondents express their commitment to undergoing training programs or undertaking proactive measures to fortify their AI skill set.

Examining the enthusiasm for acquiring new AI skills, the survey yields compelling insights:

  • 53% exhibit a fervent interest in cultivating new AI proficiencies.
  • 47% display a moderate level of interest in enhancing their AI skills.
  • Remarkably, not a single respondent (0%) professes disinterest in augmenting their AI capabilities.

In conclusion, Dominika Kowalska emphasizes, “Familiarizing oneself with AI tools, honing technical competencies, and identifying avenues for integrating AI into one’s current role are pivotal strategies for navigating the transformative impact of AI on the professional landscape.” She underscores, “It’s evident that individuals have acknowledged the inevitability of this technological paradigm shift and are proactively embracing learning, upskilling, and adaptability as indispensable attributes for professional resilience.”


The insights presented herein stem from a comprehensive survey conducted among 1,150 American respondents on March 11–12, 2024. Participants engaged with various question formats, encompassing yes/no inquiries, open-ended queries, scale-based assessments gauging concurrence levels, and multiple-choice selections from predefined options.


The findings underscore the pervasive influence of AI in the modern workplace, indicating a significant shift in how tasks are performed and jobs are structured. As AI integration continues to accelerate, businesses must prioritize reskilling initiatives to ensure their workforce remains competitive and adaptable in the evolving technological landscape. Moreover, addressing the concerns surrounding job security and fostering a culture of continuous learning will be imperative for sustaining employee morale and productivity.
