Israeli AI security startup Apex announces $7 million in Seed funding

  • Israeli AI security startup, Apex, exits stealth mode securing $7 million in Seed funding.
  • Funding round led by Sequoia Capital and Index Ventures, with support from angel investors including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.
  • Apex’s security platform provides comprehensive visibility into AI operations, enabling organizations to enforce security policies and counter AI-driven threats.
  • Co-founded in 2023 by Matan Derman and Tomer Avni, both with backgrounds in Unit 8200 and prestigious Master’s degrees.
  • Already servicing Fortune 500 clients, 80% of which integrate ChatGPT into their workflows.

Main AI News:

Israeli AI security startup Apex has revealed its emergence from stealth mode, securing a substantial $7 million in Seed funding. This investment round was jointly led by renowned venture capital firms Sequoia Capital and Index Ventures, complemented by contributions from angel investors, notably including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

In the wake of the 2022 launch of ChatGPT, there has been an unprecedented surge in Generative AI capabilities across various industries worldwide. Nevertheless, the rapid integration of AI technologies presents a myriad of security challenges for enterprises, ranging from potential data breaches to AI-driven cyber threats.

Apex has developed a robust security platform designed to furnish organizations with holistic visibility into their AI operations. This enables them to delineate the usage of AI throughout the enterprise and enforce corresponding security protocols. The platform is adept at identifying breaches in company or industry security standards, promptly detecting and countering AI-based attacks, thereby enabling companies to harness AI technologies while mitigating risks such as data leaks, malicious data tampering, privacy infringements, and cyber assaults.

Matan Derman, Co-Founder and CEO of Apex, elucidated on the company’s mission, stating, “Apex was established with the vision of empowering security and AI teams to facilitate the secure and seamless integration of AI within leading-edge organizations.” He further highlighted the company’s insights gained from extensive consultations with executives, revealing a prevailing apprehension toward adopting advanced AI due to security concerns. Apex aims to alleviate these concerns and play a pivotal role in facilitating organizations’ secure adoption of AI, safeguarding AI models and applications, and enabling them to leverage AI’s potential safely.

Founded in 2023 by Derman and Tomer Avni, who assumes the role of Chief Product Officer, Apex boasts a leadership team with distinguished backgrounds. The duo’s collaboration traces back to their tenure in Unit 8200, where they served as Lieutenant Colonel and Captain, respectively. Both hold esteemed Master’s degrees from Stanford and Harvard universities. Notably, Apex already boasts a clientele comprising several Fortune 500 companies, with 80% of them incorporating ChatGPT into their workflows.

We are thrilled to collaborate with Matan and Tomer, and we anticipate Apex Security’s rapid ascension as the frontrunner in Generative AI security,” remarked Bogomil Balkansky, Partner at Sequoia Capital. Shardul Shah, Partner at Index Ventures, concurred, emphasizing Apex’s pivotal role in addressing the burgeoning risks associated with AI adoption, including data breaches, privacy infringements, intellectual property violations, and targeted AI-based attacks.


Apex’s emergence signals a pivotal shift in the AI security landscape, offering a solution to the escalating concerns surrounding AI adoption. With backing from prominent investors and a strong leadership team, Apex is poised to lead the market in securing the future of AI deployment across industries, mitigating risks and fostering trust in AI technologies.
