AI Already Impacting Audiobook Narrators’ Business, Say Industry Professionals


  • The audiobook industry is already being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI).
  • AI can generate human-sounding recordings quickly, potentially replacing human professionals.
  • Many voice actors are experiencing a sharp decline in business due to AI.
  • DeepZen, a London-based company, offers cost-effective rates for audiobook production using AI-generated voices.
  • AI-assisted recordings are prevalent in the industry, but they lack an identifiable label.
  • Some platforms exploit ethical boundaries by using voices from databases without proper compensation.
  • Speechki, a Texas-based startup, uses its own recordings and voices from databases with proper usage rights.
  • Ethical practices and fair compensation for voice actors are crucial during this industry transformation.

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As the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) looms over the job market and daily life, professionals in the audiobook industry are already witnessing significant transformations. AI technology possesses the remarkable capability to generate human-like recordings at an unprecedented pace, potentially replacing certain aspects of human involvement that have traditionally defined the industry. Consequently, many audiobook professionals are experiencing a substantial decline in business opportunities, indicating the swift impact of AI on their livelihoods.

Tanya Eby, an esteemed voice actor, and professional narrator with two decades of experience, has noticed a drastic reduction in her workload over the past six months. In stark contrast to previous years, where her bookings would extend until August, she now faces a decline of approximately 50%, with bookings only secured until June. Eby’s observations are echoed by numerous colleagues who have encountered similar declines in their respective careers. While it is essential to consider other potential factors contributing to this trend, the influence of AI appears to be a compelling explanation.

AI-assisted recordings in the audiobook industry do not possess an identifiable label, but industry professionals estimate that thousands of audiobooks currently in circulation utilize voices generated from extensive databases. Among the cutting-edge companies in this domain, DeepZen, a London-based firm, offers rates that can significantly reduce the cost of producing an audiobook to as low as one-fourth of the expense associated with traditional projects. DeepZen has built a comprehensive database by recording the voices of several actors, who were directed to speak in various emotional registers, enabling the creation of diverse and engaging voice content.

DeepZen CEO Kamis Taylan emphasized the company’s commitment to ethical practices. DeepZen ensures that every voice used in their projects is accompanied by a signed license agreement, and the actors involved receive fair compensation for their recordings. Taylan highlighted their dedication to paying royalties based on the work they produce, establishing a fair and mutually beneficial relationship with the voice actors they collaborate with.

However, Tanya Eby expressed concern over the emergence of unscrupulous companies in the industry that exploit ethical boundaries. She noted the existence of platforms that utilize voices from databases without properly compensating the voice artists. Taylan acknowledged the gray area present in the industry, where some companies combine voices from various sources to create a distinct voice, claiming that it does not belong to any individual.

Upon reaching out to various audiobook companies, AFP found that all the contracted firms denied engaging in such practices. Speechki, a startup based in Texas, affirmed its adherence to ethical standards by utilizing both its own recordings and voices from existing databases only after securing contracts that cover the appropriate usage rights, according to CEO Dima Abramov.

As the audiobook industry undergoes significant changes catalyzed by the integration of AI technology, professionals and stakeholders must prioritize ethical practices and ensure fair compensation for voice actors. With the potential to revolutionize the industry, AI-driven audiobooks present both opportunities and challenges, demanding a careful balance between technological advancement and the preservation of human creativity and professionalism.


The integration of artificial intelligence in the audiobook industry signifies a disruptive shift that has significant implications for the market. The ability of AI to generate human-like recordings at a rapid pace has already led to a decline in business for many voice actors. Companies like DeepZen offer cost-effective solutions for audiobook production, leveraging AI-generated voices.

However, the lack of clear labeling for AI-assisted recordings and the exploitation of ethical boundaries by some platforms raise concerns. As the market evolves, it is crucial for industry stakeholders to navigate these challenges by embracing ethical practices and ensuring fair compensation for voice actors. Successful adaptation to this transformative landscape will require striking a delicate balance between technological advancement and preserving the human creativity and professionalism that define the industry.
