Neeva, Co-founded by Former Google Executive, to Cease Consumer Search Products and Prioritize AI


  • Neeva, the privacy-focused search company, is shutting down its consumer search engine.
  • The co-founders, Sridhar Ramaswamy and Vivek Raghunathan cited difficulties in acquiring users and an unsustainable business model.
  • Ramaswamy left Google due to disillusionment with its focus on growth over users.
  • Neeva will now focus on exploring the use of artificial intelligence in search.
  • The website and consumer search product will be phased out in the coming weeks.
  • Refunds will be given to Neeva Premium subscribers, and all user data will be deleted.
  • More information about Neeva’s future plans will be shared in the near future.

Main AI News:

Neeva, the privacy-focused search company co-founded by former Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy, made a significant announcement over the weekend. The company revealed its decision to discontinue its consumer search engine and shift its focus towards exploring the potential of artificial intelligence. In a blog post published on the company’s website, Ramaswamy and Vivek Raghunathan, both co-founders of Neeva, acknowledged the challenges they faced in acquiring users and recognized the changing economic landscape that contributed to their conclusion that a consumer search business model is no longer sustainable.

Ramaswamy, in a tweet on Saturday, stated that this was an exceptionally difficult decision, taking into consideration various factors such as the company’s progress thus far, the current funding environment, and its ability to thrive in a significantly transformed search landscape. However, a representative for Neeva has yet to respond to requests for further comment regarding this matter.

Neeva emerged in 2019 after Ramaswamy departed from his role as senior vice president of Google’s ad business, citing his disillusionment with the company’s unwavering emphasis on growth, sometimes at the expense of its users. Looking ahead, Neeva aims to explore the possibilities of generative AI and large language models within the realm of search. As part of their strategic shift, the website and its consumer search product will gradually be phased out in the following weeks.

Acknowledging their commitment to Neeva’s loyal customers, the company plans to refund Neeva Premium subscribers for the unused portion of their subscriptions. Furthermore, in alignment with their privacy-focused approach, Neeva will also delete all user data as part of the shutdown process. Ramaswamy and Raghunathan expressed their intention to share more details about the future direction of Neeva in the forthcoming weeks, ensuring transparency with their user base and stakeholders.

As Neeva bids farewell to its consumer search engine, it sets its sights on leveraging generative AI and large language models to explore new avenues within the realm of search. The decision to shift focus reflects Neeva’s adaptability in response to the evolving needs of the industry. Despite the challenges faced, the founders remain committed to steering Neeva toward a promising future. Stay tuned for further updates from Neeva as they chart their path ahead in the weeks to come.


The decision by Neeva, the privacy-focused search company, to shut down its consumer search engine signifies a significant shift in the market. This move highlights the challenges faced by companies in acquiring users and sustaining a viable business model in the consumer search space. It also emphasizes the growing importance of privacy and the exploration of artificial intelligence in search.

This development may pave the way for other players in the market to reevaluate their strategies and consider alternative approaches to meet evolving user demands. Additionally, the focus on user privacy and data protection showcased by Neeva sets a precedent for companies to prioritize these aspects in their offerings. Overall, the market is witnessing a dynamic transformation, and businesses will need to adapt and innovate to stay relevant in this rapidly evolving landscape.
