Generative AI Solutions Corp. establishes a subsidiary GenAI Tobacco to develop a large language model (LLM) for the tobacco industry


  • Generative AI Solutions Corp. establishes a subsidiary GenAI Tobacco to develop a large language model (LLM) for the tobacco industry.
  • The LLM product, called Tobacco Titan, aims to provide AI-powered information on products, marketing, regulations, health, and safety.
  • Tobacco Titan will offer personalized recommendations for flavors, brands, and smoking accessories based on user preferences.
  • GenAI Chairman and CEO Ryan Selby recognizes the need for innovation in the tobacco industry and aims to create a valuable global enterprise system.
  • Strategic partnerships with tobacco companies possessing proprietary datasets will give Tobacco Titan a competitive edge.
  • GenAI will collaborate with partner Metachain Technologies to facilitate the development of Tobacco Titan.

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In an ambitious move, Generative AI Solutions Corp. has announced its strategic venture into the realm of large language models (LLMs) with a specific focus on revolutionizing the tobacco industry. This endeavor has materialized through the establishment of a subsidiary called GenAI Tobacco, poised to introduce the LLM-based tobacco product known as Tobacco Titan.

Tobacco Titan aspires to leverage the immense potential of artificial intelligence to provide invaluable insights into the world of tobacco. Its AI-powered capabilities encompass comprehensive information pertaining to products, marketing strategies, regulatory frameworks, as well as health and safety considerations. Moreover, the product aims to deliver personalized recommendations tailored to adult users’ individual tastes and preferences, encompassing new flavors, brands, and smoking accessories.

Ryan Selby, the Chairman and CEO of GenAI, brings forth a deep understanding of the tobacco industry’s demand for innovation and data collection, derived from his previous role as co-founder and CEO of Poda Holdings. Selby expressed his conviction, stating, “Through my extensive network within major tobacco companies and industry leaders, I firmly believe that we can transform Tobacco Titan into a globally influential enterprise system, delivering exceptional value to both individuals and businesses.”

The ambitious vision of GenAI Tobacco is further enhanced by strategic partnerships with select tobacco industry players possessing access to exclusive proprietary datasets. This invaluable data will empower Tobacco Titan with a distinct competitive advantage, enabling it to offer unique insights and information not readily available on the internet. GenAI plans to collaborate closely with its partner, Metachain Technologies, to facilitate the development and refinement of Tobacco Titan, with the finalization of their agreement anticipated in the forthcoming weeks.

The emergence of GenAI’s Tobacco Titan presents an exciting proposition for the tobacco industry, signaling a new era of AI-powered innovation and transformative solutions. By harnessing the potential of large language models, the company aims to revolutionize the way individuals and businesses engage with the tobacco market, unlocking unparalleled utility and driving the industry forward.


The establishment of GenAI Tobacco and the development of the Tobacco Titan LLM product signify a significant advancement in the tobacco industry. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and large language models, this innovative solution brings forth transformative potential.

Tobacco Titan’s AI-powered information, personalized recommendations, and strategic partnerships with tobacco companies are poised to revolutionize the market. This development represents a major step towards creating a valuable global enterprise system and redefining the way individuals and businesses engage with the tobacco industry.
