Actian Emphasizes Data Preparedness for Generative AI

  • Actian introduces Gen AI Data Readiness Checklist for optimizing data for generative AI applications.
  • The checklist coincides with the release of Actian’s Gen AI Data Readiness Study, exploring perceptions of business and tech leaders.
  • Actian’s senior executives, Emma McGrattan and Jennifer Jackson, will present the checklist and survey findings at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit.
  • McGrattan emphasizes the importance of comprehensive data preparation for effective generative AI outcomes.
  • The checklist provides guidance on cross-company alignment, use cases, and data management flexibility, while also highlighting hidden risks.
  • Gartner emphasizes the crucial role of quality data for generative AI, corroborating Actian’s emphasis on data readiness.
  • Organizations with mature generative AI deployments prioritize data preparation and quality, leading to increased trust in AI outcomes.
  • Actian’s resources aim to assist organizations in systematic data preparation, mitigating costly delays and setbacks.

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Actian, a prominent player in the realm of data and analytics under HCLSoftware, has unveiled its Gen AI Data Readiness Checklist. This strategic tool is meticulously crafted to assist enterprises in navigating hidden challenges, ensuring their data is primed for generative AI applications. The checklist’s debut coincides with the launch of Actian’s Gen AI Data Readiness Study, delving into the perceptions of business and technology leaders concerning data readiness for generative AI endeavors.

Scheduled for unveiling at the upcoming Gartner Data & Analytics Summit on Tuesday, March 12 at 1:10 pm, Actian’s Senior Vice President of Engineering and Product, Emma McGrattan, and Chief Marketing Officer, Jennifer Jackson, will unveil the Gen AI Data Readiness Checklist alongside fresh survey insights, supplemented by their invaluable industry insights. Actian’s active participation in the summit and the creation of these pivotal resources underscore its unwavering dedication to empowering clients to optimize their data for Gen AI deployments.

McGrattan articulates, “Comprehensive data preparation stands as the linchpin in ensuring the efficacy and reliability of generative AI applications. The process of training AI models necessitates copious volumes of top-tier data.” Leveraging its rich legacy in data and analytics, Actian collaborates closely with clients to ensure the seamless implementation of robust data preparation pipelines. This proactive approach accelerates and validates clients’ generative AI projects, enabling them to attain their objectives with unwavering confidence.

The Gen AI Data Readiness Checklist is a comprehensive resource offering insights on cross-company alignment, anticipated use cases, and adaptable data management frameworks essential for accommodating dynamic business shifts. Furthermore, it illuminates latent risks, such as integrating external data sources, compliance with privacy regulations, and addressing skill deficiencies among employees. Drawing from Actian’s extensive experience assisting myriad clients, the checklist serves as a beacon of proactive guidance, aiding organizations in fortifying the quality and usability of their data.

According to Gartner’s 2023 Hype Cycle™ for Artificial Intelligence, “quality data is paramount for the optimal performance of generative AI across diverse tasks.” Therefore, organizations must prioritize pristine, high-quality data to ensure the efficiency and efficacy of their generative AI initiatives, thereby fostering unwavering trust in the outcomes. The Actian Gen AI Data Readiness Study echoes Gartner’s sentiment, revealing that organizations with mature generative AI deployments prioritize data preparation and quality 24% higher than their counterparts, consequently registering a 47% increase in trust regarding their AI outcomes.

The Actian Gen AI Data Readiness Checklist and accompanying Data Preparation for Gen AI Study serve as indispensable resources, equipping organizations with a systematic and meticulous approach to data preparation, thereby mitigating costly delays and setbacks. Through these initiatives, Actian remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering enterprises on their transformative journey towards harnessing the full potential of generative AI technologies.


Actian’s strategic emphasis on data readiness for generative AI reflects a pivotal shift in the market. Enterprises are recognizing the imperative need for comprehensive data preparation to ensure the efficacy and reliability of AI applications. Actian’s proactive approach and valuable resources position it as a key player in enabling organizations to harness the transformative potential of generative AI technologies, ultimately driving innovation and competitiveness in the market.
