Advancing Colonoscopy Precision: United Digestive Unveils AI-Backed System to Transform Screening Techniques


  • United Digestive introduces GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy module for improved colonoscopy screenings.
  • The AI-powered module highlights suspicious polyps in real-time, enhancing gastroenterologists’ diagnostic capabilities.
  • United Digestive’s commitment to innovative technology and patient care is demonstrated.
  • Integrated model across 22 surgery centers in Georgia and Florida enhances patient experience.
  • Dr. John Suh, Chief Medical Officer, hails GI Genius™ as a game-changer in colonoscopy screenings.

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In a significant leap towards medical progress, United Digestive has proudly introduced a pioneering solution aimed at elevating the accuracy and efficacy of colonoscopy screenings. The cutting-edge GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy module stands as a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to revolutionizing healthcare practices. Through the seamless integration of advanced AI software, this groundbreaking module redefines the landscape of colonoscopy by seamlessly identifying suspicious polyps in real-time, effectively acting as an astute second observer working in tandem with gastroenterologists.

The emergence of the GI Genius™ module underscores United Digestive’s relentless pursuit of novel technologies that hold the potential to transform patient outcomes for the better. Notably, the organization’s integrated model spans an impressive network of 22 ambulatory surgery centers situated across the states of Georgia and Florida. This approach, which combines state-of-the-art medical facilities with a patient-centric ethos, uniquely positions United Digestive to advance every facet of patient care.

Dr. John Suh, the esteemed Chief Medical Officer of United Digestive, unequivocally identifies the GI Genius™ module as a true game-changer in the realm of colonoscopy screenings. By harnessing the power of AI, this technology empowers medical professionals to proactively detect polyps, ultimately translating to saved lives and improved health outcomes. This leap towards embracing advanced AI not only showcases United Digestive’s dedication to providing the highest standards of medical care but also signifies the organization’s role as a trailblazer in the field of medical innovation.


United Digestive’s introduction of the GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy module represents a pivotal advancement in the healthcare market. By leveraging AI technology to enhance colonoscopy screenings, the organization sets a new standard for accuracy and patient care. This innovative leap not only showcases United Digestive’s dedication to cutting-edge solutions but also signals a transformative shift in how medical professionals approach colorectal health assessments. As the market evolves, United Digestive’s breakthrough paves the way for a future where AI-powered diagnostics play a central role in improving patient outcomes and redefining medical practices.
