AI deepfakes on the dark web: from $300 to $20,000 for any task


  • Demand for realistic AI deepfake videos is increasing on the dark web.
  • Deepfake developers can charge anywhere from $300 to $20,000 based on the complexity of the job.
  • Miscreants often request deepfakes for cryptocurrency scams, cracking online accounts, or pornography.
  • There is a significant demand for deepfakes that surpasses the current supply.
  • Kaspersky predicts a rise in high-quality deepfake incidents in the future.
  • Tools to detect authentic videos are expected to become widely available to combat fraud and disinformation.
  • The same AI technologies used to create deepfakes can be employed to distinguish genuine media.
  • Kaspersky remains optimistic about the emergence of these detection tools in media outlets, messengers, and browsers.

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The increasing demand for hyper-realistic AI deepfake videos in the criminal underworld has become a growing concern. With ulterior motives such as cryptocurrency scams and unauthorized access to biometric systems for financial gain, cybercriminals are actively seeking developers who can generate convincing deepfakes of celebrities, politicians, and other targeted individuals. The complexity of these tasks determines the price, ranging from $300 to a staggering $20,000. Common requests include creating fake content to promote cryptocurrency scams, infiltrating online accounts, or satisfying the demand for explicit content.

Kaspersky, a prominent cybersecurity firm, recently conducted extensive research on the dark web to investigate the prevalence of these requests. They discovered that the demand for deepfakes far exceeds the current supply, with individuals actively searching for creators who can fulfill their deceitful intentions. In a blog post, Kaspersky expressed their concern, stating, “The desperate search for individuals who can produce fake videos is disturbing. It is well-known that demand drives supply, so we predict a significant surge in high-quality deepfake incidents in the near future.”

While this rise in deepfake-related crimes is alarming, Kaspersky remains cautiously optimistic. They believe that the development of robust tools capable of detecting the authenticity of videos will eventually become widely available. These tools would be invaluable in combating fraud, identity theft, and the spread of disinformation.

The same artificial intelligence technologies that facilitate the creation of deepfakes can be harnessed to distinguish genuine videos, pictures, and audio from their counterfeit counterparts. Although still emerging, these tools hold the potential to equip media outlets, messaging platforms, and even web browsers with the necessary safeguards against deepfake manipulation.


The increasing demand for AI deepfakes in the dark web signifies a concerning market trend with potential implications for various industries. The willingness of criminals to pay significant sums for realistic deepfake videos demonstrates a lucrative market opportunity for developers skilled in this technology. This demand extends beyond the realm of cybercrime, as it encompasses sectors such as cryptocurrency scams, identity theft, and adult content.

The anticipated surge in high-quality deepfake incidents presents a clear need for robust detection tools to safeguard against fraud and disinformation. Businesses operating in media, messaging platforms, and web browsers should closely monitor the emergence of these technologies and consider integrating them into their systems to ensure the integrity and authenticity of their content.

Furthermore, as the battle against deepfakes intensifies, there is potential for growth in the market for security solutions and services specifically designed to combat the threat posed by AI-powered manipulations. Proactive measures taken by market players and the development of reliable detection tools will be crucial in restoring trust and mitigating the negative impact of deepfakes on various sectors.
