AI-Driven Research Revives ‘Extinct’ Antibiotics from Neanderthal Proteins


  • Bioengineers employ AI to revive molecules from extinct species for antibiotic development.
  • Computational methods identify peptides with antimicrobial properties from Neanderthal and Denisovan proteins.
  • AI-powered approach significantly accelerates drug candidate discovery compared to traditional methods.
  • Six potent peptides identified, holding promise for treating bacterial infections.
  • Further refinement and algorithm improvements hold the potential for more effective antibiotic development.

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In a remarkable feat of bioengineering, artificial intelligence (AI) has been harnessed to revive molecules long considered extinct. This groundbreaking advancement in molecular ‘de-extinction’ has opened up new avenues for addressing contemporary health challenges. The pioneering research conducted by bioengineers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia leverages computational methods and data on proteins from both modern humans (Homo sapiens) and our ancient counterparts, the Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) and Denisovans. By doing so, the scientists have successfully identified potent molecules capable of combating disease-causing bacteria, offering promising prospects for novel drugs in the battle against human infections.

The need for innovation in antibiotic development has grown more urgent in recent decades, as the pace of new discoveries has slowed while antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to rise. Most antibiotics currently prescribed have been in use for over three decades, necessitating fresh therapeutic approaches. Enter antimicrobial peptides, short protein subunits produced by various organisms that possess remarkable antimicrobial properties. While some of these peptides have been derived from bacteria and already found clinical application, the idea of exploring extinct species’ proteins as a potential resource for antibiotics emerged as a groundbreaking concept.

Inspired in part by the iconic film ‘Jurassic Park,’ the researchers opted for a pragmatic approach: resurrecting molecules rather than dinosaurs. To accomplish this, they trained an AI algorithm to identify specific sites on human proteins where peptides are typically cleaved. This AI-powered algorithm was then set loose on publicly available protein sequences from H. sapiens, H. neanderthalensis, and Denisovans, in search of promising new peptides that could potentially combat bacteria.

The beauty of this AI-based method lies in its efficiency. While conventional antibiotic discovery methods take several years to unearth a single viable candidate, AI streamlines the process, enabling the identification and testing of potential drug candidates within a matter of weeks. The team put dozens of peptides through rigorous laboratory testing, ultimately selecting six potent contenders – four from H. sapiens, one from H. neanderthalensis, and one from Denisovans. In mouse models infected with Acinetobacter baumannii, a bacterium commonly responsible for hospital-borne infections in humans, all six peptides demonstrated the ability to halt bacterial growth. Encouragingly, five of these peptides effectively killed bacteria in skin abscesses, though high doses were required.

Looking to the future, researchers are optimistic that further refinement of the molecules and algorithm will lead to even more effective versions. By fine-tuning the peptides, they aim to enhance their antimicrobial prowess and reduce potential side effects. Additionally, improvements in the algorithm’s predictive capabilities may yield clinically relevant peptides with greater success rates. While some experts remain cautious about the immediate impact of molecular de-extinction on drug discovery, there is a consensus that this innovative approach represents a compelling new direction in the underexplored domain of antibiotic development.

Euan Ashley, a genomics and precision-health expert at Stanford University, lauds the researchers for their ingenuity, believing that the foray into the archaic human genome is both intriguing and potentially fruitful. As the pursuit of novel antibiotics gains momentum, the fusion of AI and bioengineering promises to reshape the landscape of drug discovery, offering hope for a future where antibiotic-resistant infections can be effectively curbed. With AI breathing new life into the past, the quest for next-generation antibiotics takes a bold stride forward, propelled by the power of innovation and scientific exploration.


The groundbreaking use of AI to resurrect ‘extinct’ antibiotics marks a significant leap forward in the drug discovery landscape. By leveraging computational methods and data from ancient species, researchers have successfully identified potent peptides with antimicrobial properties. This AI-powered approach drastically shortens the time needed to discover potential drug candidates, offering a promising solution to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While the current peptides require further optimization, the concept and framework open up exciting new possibilities for the pharmaceutical market. As AI continues to play a pivotal role in revolutionizing drug development, the future holds great potential for a new wave of highly effective antibiotics to address the growing health challenges posed by infectious diseases. Businesses and investors in the pharmaceutical industry should closely monitor and invest in AI-driven research and development initiatives to capitalize on the emerging opportunities in this transformative market.
