AI Empowers Shipping Industry’s ‘Uberization’


  • SHIPNEXT CEO believes the ‘Uberization’ of the shipping business is easily achievable with the adoption of technology, including artificial intelligence.
  • Technology advancements, such as AI, can simplify decision-making in shipping by reducing suitable ship options based on input parameters.
  • AI is predicted to assist in shipping cargo in the near future by providing predictive decision-making capabilities.
  • ChatGPT, a chatbot with internet information capture abilities, can benefit the shipping industry by aiding in tasks like writing and coding.
  • Integration of AI in shipping solutions presents a more complex challenge compared to other industries.
  • ChatGPT’s connection to shipping data will enable it to provide valuable information for shipping decisions.
  • AI-powered solutions like ChatGPT operate in real time and can process vast amounts of data continuously.
  • SHIPNEXT is a blockchain-driven digital shipping marketplace that employs advanced technologies to generate optimal shipping solutions.

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In the realm of the maritime industry, the prospect of ‘Uberization’ appears to be a feasible endeavor, as highlighted by SHIPNEXT CEO Alexander Varvarenko. Presenting at a prominent conference in New Orleans, Varvarenko expressed his belief that the widespread integration of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), will soon streamline the process of shipping goods, much like the convenience of using Google Maps for navigation.

According to Varvarenko, “Early automation, data-gathering, and machine learning serve as the stepping stones toward achieving AI – a realm of predictive decision-making that is not as intricate as it may seem.” Considering the relatively modest number of commercial ships worldwide, approximately 87,000, Varvarenko asserts that the application of AI can considerably simplify the decision-making process.

By inputting essential parameters such as shipping dates, cargo quantities, and various constraints, the system can promptly narrow down suitable vessel options. Consequently, training an AI-powered system to facilitate decision-making, factoring in economic and environmental considerations, becomes a relatively straightforward endeavor.

Varvarenko confidently predicts that AI will soon revolutionize the shipping industry, providing invaluable assistance in the shipping of cargo. Expanding on this notion, he highlighted the potential benefits of ChatGPT, an advanced chatbot capable of generating essays and scripts and solving complex computer coding challenges by harnessing information from the vast expanse of the internet.

Varvarenko acknowledges that the integration of AI into shipping solutions, such as ChatGPT, presents a more intricate challenge compared to other industries. He notes, “When making shipping decisions using conventional means, you are limited to your knowledge of certain companies or the information you receive through emails and messages. However, there is a limit to the amount of data a human can process independently.”

He further explains that ChatGPT’s current limitations are due to its lack of connection to shipping data. Nonetheless, he reassures that it won’t be long until ChatGPT is seamlessly linked to this crucial information, enabling it to provide comprehensive shipping insights. Varvarenko encourages interested parties to test the system firsthand, highlighting the steady progress AI makes in understanding the intricacies of shipping.

One remarkable aspect of this AI-powered solution is its real-time functionality, operating 24/7. The neural network embedded within ChatGPT has an insatiable appetite for data, tirelessly processing and producing valuable insights every nanosecond,” emphasized Varvarenko.

Varvarenko’s visionary platform, SHIPNEXT, represents a blockchain-driven digital shipping marketplace that leverages cutting-edge technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, linear programming, AI, and big data analysis. By harnessing the power of these advanced tools, SHIPNEXT aims to generate optimal shipping and transportation solutions for businesses in the maritime sector.


The integration of advanced technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, holds great promise for the shipping industry. The concept of ‘Uberization’ in shipping, as suggested by SHIPNEXT CEO Alexander Varvarenko, signifies a potential transformation in the way cargo is transported. With the ability to streamline decision-making processes and provide predictive insights, AI has the potential to optimize shipping operations, enhance efficiency, and drive cost savings.

Furthermore, the emergence of innovative solutions like ChatGPT opens up new possibilities for automation and data-driven decision-making in the industry. As the shipping market continues to embrace these technological advancements, businesses can expect to witness increased operational effectiveness, improved resource utilization, and, ultimately, a more competitive edge in the global marketplace.
