AI-Powered Ambience Healthcare Secures $70M Funding with OpenAI and Kleiner Perkins at the Helm


  • Ambience Healthcare raises $70 million in funding for its AI-powered healthcare administrative platform.
  • The startup targets the U.S. market, serving various outpatient specialties.
  • Notable customers include UCSF, Memorial Hermann Health System, and GI Alliance.
  • Investors include Kleiner Perkins, OpenAI’s Startup Fund, and Andreessen Horowitz.
  • Ambience Healthcare’s founders, Michael Ng and Nikhil Buduma, have a background in medical startups.
  • The platform focuses on streamlining administrative tasks for clinicians, with potential future diagnostic capabilities.
  • The healthcare AI landscape is competitive, with several startups securing substantial funding.
  • Market potential remains high, driven by AI’s transformative impact on healthcare.

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The synergy between artificial intelligence and healthcare is becoming increasingly evident, as startups bridging these realms gain substantial traction among both customers and investors. In a recent development, Ambience Healthcare, recognized for crafting an innovative “operating system” designed to streamline administrative tasks within healthcare organizations, has successfully secured $70 million in funding, poised to catapult its business expansion. At present, Ambience Healthcare primarily focuses its operations in the United States, catering to a wide spectrum of ambulatory specialties, including cardiology, oncology, pediatrics, and ENT services.

Although Ambience has not disclosed specific customer figures or the extent of data processed through its platform, it boasts an impressive clientele roster that includes prestigious institutions such as UCSF, Memorial Hermann Health System, John Muir Health, The Oncology Institute, GI Alliance, Midi Health, and Eventus WholeHealth. The notable investors joining this Series B funding round underscore the company’s remarkable progress. Leading the charge are Kleiner Perkins and OpenAI’s Startup Fund, alongside prominent names like Andreessen Horowitz and Optum Ventures, all of whom have previously lent their support to Ambience Healthcare. This investment carries a strategic dimension, aligning with the ongoing trend of Kleiner Perkins and OpenAI’s collaborative investments in vertically-focused AI startups, exemplified by their recent $80 million investment in legal AI specialist Harvey.AI. With this new capital injection, Ambience Healthcare’s total funding reaches an impressive $100 million, a significant milestone.

While Ambience Healthcare refrains from disclosing its exact valuation, PitchBook previously estimated it to be approximately $126 million post-Series A in 2022, offering a relevant benchmark for its current position.

The journey of Ambience Healthcare’s founders, Michael Ng and Nikhil Buduma, commenced during their time at MIT. Both Ng and Buduma had experienced personal medical challenges, with Ng overcoming a broken back and Buduma facing heart problems. These life-altering events ignited their passion for healthcare and spurred them to reflect on their life’s purpose. Ng characterized his injury as a “wake-up call,” driving his commitment to addressing pressing healthcare issues. It is not uncommon for individuals who navigate medical trauma at a young age to feel compelled to contribute to the field, a phenomenon that resonates with Ng and Buduma’s career trajectory.

Their previous venture, Remedy Health, was also rooted in AI but took a different approach, focusing on providing clinicians with diagnostic tools to detect conditions, uncover hidden high-risk diagnoses, and predict patients’ future health developments. However, Remedy Health’s ambitious goals were not fully realized, as the startup remained at the seed stage and eventually ceased operations in 2020.

Ambience Healthcare, in contrast, tackles a crucial aspect of clinicians’ lives—managing the substantial administrative workload that accompanies patient interactions. This includes completing necessary forms, taking essential actions, and navigating intricate administrative, operational, and accounting systems, especially relevant in the complex U.S. healthcare landscape. In addressing a myriad of ambulatory specialties, Ambience Healthcare’s platform assists clinicians in recording and processing diverse data points relevant to various medical conditions. Its product portfolio comprises solutions such as “AutoScribe,” which generates comprehensive notes from conversations in both emergency and hospital settings; “AutoCDI” for analyzing previous interactions and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) context, ensuring alignment between ICD-10 codes, CPT codes, and documentation, complete with audit trails for revenue cycle teams; “AutoRefer” to facilitate handoffs to other specialists; “AutoAVS” for post-visit summaries; and the upcoming “AutoPrep,” designed to aid clinicians in preparing for appointments.

While Ambience Healthcare currently does not provide diagnoses, it remains an area of future consideration, given the founders’ prior experience and expertise in AI-driven healthcare.

The healthcare AI landscape is burgeoning, with numerous players vying for a piece of the market. In May of the previous year, CBInsights reported that medical “co-pilot” tools had amassed over $240 million in funding. This recent funding round, contributing an additional $175 million to the pool, highlights the industry’s robust growth. Competitors such as Corti, a Danish startup, secured $60 million in funding, aiming to provide comprehensive AI assistance from administrative tasks to diagnosis. Paris-based Nabla raised $24 million last month, boasting a valuation of $180 million, and forging partnerships with prominent healthcare institutions like Kaiser Permanente in the United States. Microsoft, a key partner of OpenAI, has also made significant strides with its HealthBot. Notably, there have been instances of challenges, such as Komodo, backed by A16Z, which faced layoffs in 2022.

Despite the competitive landscape, the potential for AI in healthcare remains substantial, attracting the interest of those who believe in its transformative power. Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI and manager of the OpenAI Startup Fund, expressed optimism about the future, stating, “Healthcare is one of AI’s most promising opportunities to create an outsized positive impact on the world. Ambience Healthcare has built an incredible team to focus on providing a complete ecosystem of products that seamlessly fit into the workflow of practitioners, pushing both AI and medicine forward.” With this latest funding round, Ambience Healthcare is well-positioned to continue its mission of enhancing healthcare through AI-driven solutions.


Ambience Healthcare’s successful funding round reflects the growing significance of AI in healthcare administration. The platform’s ability to streamline complex administrative tasks for clinicians positions it well in a competitive market. With continued investment and innovation in healthcare AI, the industry is poised for further transformation, creating opportunities for startups like Ambience Healthcare to thrive.
