AI-Powered Heart Attack Detection: Revolutionizing Emergency Care in Scotland’s Hospitals


  • Hospitals in Scotland are testing AI software to improve heart attack detection and emergency response times.
  • Misdiagnosed and untreated heart attacks increase the risk of death by 70% within 30 days.
  • The AI system being tested can rule out a heart attack in more patients with an accuracy of 99.6%.
  • The CoDE-ACS tool, funded by the British Heart Foundation, uses machine-learning algorithms to predict heart attack likelihood.
  • Factors such as age, sex, medical history, electrocardiogram data, and troponin levels are considered in the calculation.
  • CoDE-ACS aims to help physicians quickly identify patients at higher risk of heart attacks.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment of heart attacks save lives and improve efficiency in emergency departments.
  • The system was trained using data from over 10,000 patients admitted to a Scottish hospital with suspected heart attacks.
  • The ongoing trial in Scotland aims to assess the impact of CoDE-ACS in accident and emergency departments.
  • If successful, the system could reduce waiting times, prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, and enhance treatment for heart attack patients.

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Hospitals in Scotland are embracing the potential of cutting-edge AI software to revolutionize patient care and enhance accident and emergency response times. Recognizing the challenges of accurately diagnosing heart attacks due to overlapping symptoms with other conditions, healthcare providers are turning to advanced technology for assistance. This move is driven by the alarming statistic provided by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which claims that a misdiagnosed and untreated heart attack increases the risk of mortality by 70% within 30 days.

To address this critical issue, a not-for-profit organization, the BHF has played a crucial role in funding the research and development of CoDE-ACS (Collaboration for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Acute Coronary Syndrome). This groundbreaking AI system leverages the power of machine-learning algorithms to analyze patient data and accurately predict the likelihood of a heart attack.

By considering factors such as age, sex, medical history, electrocardiogram data, and troponin levels (a protein that indicates heart muscle damage), CoDE-ACS calculates a score out of 100. Higher scores indicate a higher probability of a heart attack, enabling physicians to swiftly identify patients at greater risk.

Sir Nilesh Samani, medical director of the BHF, highlights the ubiquitous nature of chest pain as a presenting symptom in emergency departments. Differentiating between those experiencing a heart attack and those with less serious conditions poses a constant challenge for doctors worldwide. CoDE-ACS, with its remarkable accuracy of 99.6%, provides a powerful tool to aid in this critical decision-making process. By ruling out heart attacks in more than double the number of patients, this AI system promises to streamline emergency care, saving lives and enhancing efficiency.

The research, led by Nicholas Mills, professor of Cardiology at the Centre for Cardiovascular Science at the University of Edinburgh, emphasizes the potential of data and artificial intelligence to revolutionize patient care. In the realm of emergency departments, where time is of the essence, early diagnosis and treatment are vital. CoDE-ACS has the capacity to reduce diagnostic uncertainty, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care promptly. By harnessing the potential of AI-driven technology, healthcare providers can improve patient outcomes while optimizing resource allocation in their busy emergency departments.

To ensure the effectiveness of CoDE-ACS, the system was trained using data from over 10,000 patients admitted to a hospital in Scotland with suspected heart attacks. The ongoing trial in Scotland aims to evaluate the real-world impact of this technology in accident and emergency departments.

If successful, the implementation of the CoDE-ACS clinical decision support system could significantly reduce emergency department waiting times, prevent unnecessary hospital admissions for low-risk patients, and enhance the identification and treatment of those with myocardial infarction. Ultimately, the adoption of this innovative AI system would bring benefits for both patients and healthcare providers, revolutionizing the landscape of emergency care.


The implementation of AI software, such as the CoDE-ACS system, in hospitals to improve heart attack detection and emergency response times presents significant implications for the healthcare market. By leveraging machine-learning algorithms and advanced data analysis, healthcare providers can enhance patient care, optimize resource allocation, and potentially reduce healthcare costs. The increased accuracy in diagnosing heart attacks and identifying high-risk patients allows for early intervention, potentially saving lives and improving patient outcomes.

This advancement in technology showcases the potential of AI-driven solutions to transform emergency care and underscores the importance of continued investment and research in the field of healthcare analytics. As the market continues to embrace and integrate AI technology, we can anticipate further advancements that will revolutionize healthcare delivery and ultimately improve the well-being of patients.
