AI-Powered Shark Attack App: Accurately Forecasting and Detecting Risks for Swimmers at 89% Precision


  • SafeWaters.AI is an innovative app that utilizes artificial intelligence to predict shark attacks at US beaches with 89% accuracy.
  • Its primary objective is to save lives and reduce the persecution of sharks in response to human encounters.
  • Shark attack risk is approximately 1 in every 3.7 million swimmers, with Florida accounting for 60% of recorded attacks in the US.
  • The app analyzes over a hundred years of shark attack data, considering factors such as the victim’s activity, location, time of day, weather conditions, and presence of shiny jewelry.
  • The app displays a total percentage risk based on these data points.
  • SafeWaters.AI is currently being crowdfunded, with 5% of future sales dedicated to ocean cleanup efforts.

Main AI News:

In a remarkable breakthrough, an innovative application powered by artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way we perceive shark attacks. SafeWaters.AI, developed by a team of tech experts, harnesses the potential of deep learning algorithms to analyze over a century’s worth of shark attack data. With an impressive accuracy rate of 89%, this groundbreaking technology generates shark attack “forecasts,” akin to weather predictions, for beaches across the United States.

The primary objective behind SafeWaters.AI extends beyond preserving lives; it aims to combat the unjust persecution of sharks triggered by human encounters. As astonishing as it may seem, the likelihood of a shark attack stands at a staggering 1 in every 3.7 million swimmers. Intriguingly, Florida accounts for a significant 60% (28) of all recorded shark attacks in the US. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, the developers seek to raise awareness about these statistics while providing invaluable insights to beachgoers.

The public perception of AI often revolves around its more ominous or futuristic applications, such as deep fake video creation or autonomous vehicles. However, SafeWaters.AI illustrates the remarkable potential of targeted AI systems to extract trends and patterns from extensive datasets, facilitating their utilization across diverse domains. Here, it meticulously scrutinizes decades’ worth of shark attack reports, considering variables such as the victim’s activity—whether swimming or surfing—the location of the incident, the time of day, the prevailing marine weather conditions, and even the presence of shiny jewelry.

By synthesizing these crucial data points, the app delivers an all-encompassing risk assessment percentage, empowering users with comprehensive knowledge before venturing into the ocean. Currently, the project is actively seeking support through crowdfunding, with a pledge to contribute 5% of future sales towards vital ocean cleanup initiatives. By combining technological prowess with a commitment to environmental preservation, SafeWaters.AI epitomizes the symbiosis between innovation and social responsibility.

Source: SafeWaters.AI


The emergence of SafeWaters.AI and its advanced AI-powered capabilities in predicting shark attacks carry significant implications for the market. By providing beachgoers with accurate risk assessments and valuable insights, this innovative app has the potential to revolutionize the beach safety industry. Its ability to harness deep learning algorithms and analyze extensive shark attack data sets it apart as a unique and invaluable tool.

Moreover, with its aim to reduce the persecution of sharks and contribute to ocean cleanup efforts, SafeWaters.AI aligns with the growing consumer demand for socially responsible and sustainable solutions. As this technology gains traction and garners support, it presents promising opportunities for market growth, partnerships, and advancements in AI-driven safety applications.
