AI Research: Evaluating Instruction-Following Models’ Correctness and Faithfulness in Question-Answering


  • Large Language Models (LLMs) in AI have revolutionized NLP, NLG, and NLU.
  • Instruction-following models excel in imitating human language and answering questions naturally.
  • Evaluating their performance requires considering information necessity accuracy and fidelity.
  • Recall and K-Precision metrics play a vital role in assessing correctness and faithfulness.
  • Research highlights the significance of instruction-following models in shaping the AI market.

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In the fast-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful force, captivating the AI community with their astonishing capabilities in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Generation (NLG), and Natural Language Understanding (NLU). These models have not only successfully imitated human language but also excelled in a wide range of tasks, such as content generation, code completion, machine translation, text summarization, and, notably, engaging in realistic conversations. Among the impressive applications, instruction-following models stand out as exemplary instances of NLP’s potential.

The essence of instruction-following models lies in their ability to comprehend and respond to commands expressed in natural language, forging a more natural and fluid interaction between users and computers. At the forefront of this research, a collaborative team from the prestigious Mila Quebec AI Institute, McGill University, and Facebook CIFAR AI Chair has embarked on a journey to assess the performance of instruction-following models in question-answering (QA) tasks.

To achieve this, these models undergo rigorous training using LLMs, supervised examples, and other forms of supervision, exposing them to an extensive range of tasks represented as natural language instructions. Their potential in generating natural and informative responses has earned them the trust and engagement of users. However, evaluating their performance presents unique challenges due to the verbosity resulting from the addition of retrieved documents and instructions in their input. Conventional QA evaluation metrics like exact match (EM) and F1 score might not effectively quantify their prowess, as the model’s response could contain relevant information that the reference answer omits, while remaining accurate.

To address this challenge, the researchers have proposed two essential criteria for measuring instruction-following models in retrieval-augmented quality assurance (QA):

  1. Information Necessity Accuracy: This dimension assesses the model’s ability to meet the informational requirements of users. It evaluates whether the generated response includes pertinent information, even if it extends beyond what is directly mentioned in the reference answer.
  2. Fidelity in Relation to Information Provided: This dimension gauges how well the model grounds its answers in the presented knowledge. An ideal model should refrain from responding to irrelevant information while providing precise answers when the required information is accessible.

To evaluate the models, the authors conducted meticulous assessments on three diverse QA datasets, namely Natural Questions for open-domain QA, HotpotQA for multi-hop QA, and TopiOCQA for conversational QA. They manually analyzed 900 model responses and compared the results with various automatic metrics for accuracy and faithfulness. Their findings unveiled intriguing correlations between model correctness and recall, which measures the percentage of tokens from the reference answer also present in the model response, indicating its significance over lexical overlap metrics like EM or F1 score. For faithfulness, K-Precision, representing the percentage of model answer tokens existing in the knowledge snippet, exhibited a stronger correlation with human judgments compared to other token-overlap metrics.


The AI research on instruction-following models for question-answering showcases their immense potential in transforming the market. As these models continue to impress with their natural language capabilities, businesses can harness their power to create more intuitive and engaging user experiences. By understanding the importance of information necessity accuracy and fidelity, companies can develop AI solutions that resonate with users and build stronger trust in AI-driven interactions. Embracing the insights from this research will enable businesses to stay at the forefront of AI advancements and leverage these cutting-edge technologies to gain a competitive edge in the market.
