AI: The Unstoppable Force Shaping 2024’s Investment Landscape


  • 2024 is set to witness the continued rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the business world.
  • Businesses are increasingly integrating AI, driven by cost-saving efforts, with Microsoft’s Office 365 Copilot as a notable example.
  • New AI-focused roles, including ethicists, curators, and legal advisors, are expected to emerge, reshaping corporate structures.
  • Failing to establish these roles may lead to legal and regulatory challenges, as seen in European countries like Germany, France, and Italy.
  • Trust in AI becomes paramount as government regulations lag behind technology advancements and self-regulation gains importance.
  • Personal AI-based co-bots are expected to replace traditional automated assistants, impacting HR processes.
  • AI-powered software development gains traction, streamlining operations and enhancing human-AI collaboration.
  • AI has the potential to transform real-time language translation, enabling seamless global collaboration.
  • AI is poised to revolutionize retail investing, combining “big” data, models, and human insight for asset management.

Main AI News:

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) took center stage in 2023, but 2024 promises to elevate this technology to unprecedented heights, leaving an indelible mark on the world of investments, asserts industry experts. As AI’s presence loomed large in the public consciousness last year, business leaders now anticipate its exponential expansion in 2024, driven primarily by cost-saving initiatives, as reported by iShares. This pivotal year is set to witness a seismic shift in the integration of AI into existing corporate frameworks, with tech giants like Microsoft’s Office 365 Copilot leading the way. However, many experts posit that this is merely the inception of AI’s assimilation into the corporate landscape.

The Emergence of AI-Centric Roles

In 2024, the influence of AI is poised to ripple through organizations, from Fortune 500 behemoths to regional players. Cliff Jurkiewicz, technologist and Vice President of Global Strategy at HR tech firm Phenom, anticipates the emergence of an array of AI-focused roles spanning diverse industries and sectors. These roles may encompass in-house AI ethicists, curators, policy makers, legal advisors, trainers, auditors, and interpreters, among others. The formation of dedicated teams to address these AI-related considerations could bring about significant transformations in a company’s financial structure. Failure to establish such roles may expose companies to legal ramifications and regulatory hurdles, as demonstrated by recent AI regulations in Germany, France, and Italy.

Navigating the Trust Dilemma

While government regulations for AI are nascent, the technology itself is progressing at breakneck speed, outpacing legislative frameworks. This predicament necessitates that companies demonstrate their capacity to wield AI responsibly and gain the trust of customers and investors. Jurkiewicz emphasizes the importance of investors scrutinizing organizations that prioritize human oversight, especially in the absence of federal regulations. Fostering roles focused on AI ethics and curation can signal a commitment to responsible AI deployment.

The Ascent of Personal Co-Bots

Generative AI-based personal assistant bots are poised to become ubiquitous, rivaling the prevalence of smartphones. Jurkiewicz envisions these co-bots as an integral part of daily life, displacing automated assistants like Siri and Alexa. The ongoing competition in this sector may give rise to new businesses, and co-bots are poised to significantly impact HR processes, streamlining various hiring tasks for recruiters, hiring managers, employees, and candidates alike.

AI-Powered Software Development Gains Momentum

While some skeptics in the software development community question the efficacy of AI tools, others see AI’s potential to revolutionize the industry by expediting traditionally labor-intensive processes. The key lies in harmonizing AI with human expertise. Companies adept at leveraging AI to accelerate operations while maintaining human control are likely to reap substantial benefits. Investors in tech companies should closely monitor how AI collaborates with humans to enhance software development processes.

Real-Time Language Translation Redefined

AI technology holds the promise of transforming real-time language translation into a valuable asset for the business world. Despite the limitations of existing language translation software, AI-powered natural language processing and machine learning tools are poised to rapidly improve accuracy. The vision of colleagues, professors, students, researchers, and physicians collaborating seamlessly in any language looms on the horizon.

The AI Revolution in Investing

AI stands ready to reshape retail investors’ decision-making processes. Jeff Shen, co-CIO and co-head of systematic active equity at BlackRock, foresees the “AI-empowered investor” as the future of asset management. This new paradigm combines the strengths of “big” data and “big” models with human insight. Rather than relinquishing investment decisions entirely to AI, the most successful investors in the short term are expected to harness AI’s immense analytical capabilities while preserving a human touch.


The burgeoning influence of AI in 2024 promises to reshape the investment landscape significantly. As generative AI gains traction across industries and sectors, companies need to establish AI-focused roles and demonstrate responsible AI deployment to navigate legal and regulatory challenges. The rise of personal AI assistants and the transformation of software development processes indicate a growing market for AI-driven solutions. Additionally, AI’s potential to enhance real-time language translation and empower investors with data and human insight underscores the transformative potential of AI in the business world, making it a key theme for investors and businesses to watch in 2024.
