Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky: AI’s Potential to Drive Productivity and Create Job Opportunities in the Business Landscape


  • Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky expresses optimism about AI’s impact on job creation and entrepreneurship.
  • Despite concerns about job displacement, Chesky believes AI can pave the way for millions of start-ups and boost productivity.
  • Chesky emphasizes that AI can make engineers around 30% more productive, saving costs for companies.
  • Creatives need not fear AI; it can be used as a tool to enhance their work.
  • Chesky encourages the use of AI tools at Airbnb to increase efficiency and provide personalized customer experiences.
  • Chesky believes society should focus on the potential for new job opportunities rather than solely on job displacement.
  • While acknowledging the benefits of AI, Chesky also expresses concerns about its rapid development.

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The transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a topic of debate, with concerns over job displacement and the replacement of human workers taking center stage. However, according to Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, AI has the potential to not only increase productivity but also generate countless entrepreneurial opportunities.

During a recent interview on the “This Week in Startups” podcast hosted by entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, Chesky shared his optimistic outlook on the impact of AI on job creation. Contrary to popular apprehension, Chesky believes that AI can be a catalyst for the birth of numerous start-ups and open doors for those with an entrepreneurial spirit or side hustles.

Recent reports have highlighted the risks associated with AI, indicating that thousands of individuals in the United States alone have lost their jobs to this advancing technology. In fact, a study by Goldman Sachs has even suggested that nearly 300 million jobs worldwide could potentially be replaced by AI. Nonetheless, Chesky maintains that AI has the power to revolutionize the landscape of entrepreneurship and enhance workplace productivity.

I think this is going to create millions of start-ups… entrepreneurship is going to be a boon,” Chesky stated, as reported by broadcaster CNBC. He envisions a future where virtually anyone can achieve what only software engineering allowed just five years ago. Rather than jeopardizing employment opportunities, Chesky argues that AI can make engineers approximately 30 percent more productive, enabling companies to save on the costs associated with recruitment.

Furthermore, Chesky believes that creatives need not fear AI unless they reject the idea of incorporating it as a tool to enhance their work. He emphasizes that AI can be harnessed to augment the efficiency and productivity of professionals across various domains. At Airbnb, for instance, Chesky encourages employees to embrace AI tools to increase efficiency and improve customer experiences.

Looking ahead, Chesky envisions a future where AI plays a vital role in tailoring personalized experiences for customers. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, Airbnb aims to gain a deeper understanding of individuals and their needs, thereby matching them with the perfect product or service.

While fears of job displacement are not uncommon during periods of technological advancement, Chesky argues that society often overlooks the potential for new job opportunities to emerge. He believes that it is easier to predict which jobs will be displaced by AI rather than foreseeing the new jobs that will arise as a result. Chesky highlights the importance of broadening our imaginations to encompass the possibilities that do not yet exist but could be facilitated by AI.

However, Chesky also expresses concern about the rapid pace at which AI is evolving and whether society is adequately prepared to handle its implications. This sentiment is shared by other influential figures in the tech industry, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, who have joined forces in urging for a pause in AI development due to the potential risks it presents.


Brian Chesky’s positive outlook on AI’s impact on job creation and entrepreneurship highlights the transformative potential of this technology. The ability to create millions of start-ups and increase productivity holds promising prospects for the market. By leveraging AI as a tool for efficiency and personalized experiences, businesses can unlock new opportunities. However, the rapid pace of AI development calls for careful consideration of its implications and the need for adequate societal preparation. Embracing AI responsibly can drive innovation and shape a dynamic and prosperous market landscape.
